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You searched for applicants who:
And attended undergraduate college at State College.

Your search generated: 10 results.

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User Undergrad College MCAT GPA APP CYCLE
fpo-table-avatar-thumb User #17378 tah Valley State College 472 3.33 2009
fpo-table-avatar-thumb User #9769 etropolitan State College of Denver 503 3.08 2007
fpo-table-avatar-thumb User #10119 vergreen State College 498 3.45 2007
fpo-table-avatar-thumb User #5701 he Evergreen State College 513 3.46 2006
fpo-table-avatar-thumb User #6902 tah Valley State College 519 3.60 2006
fpo-table-avatar-thumb User #6641 esa State College 495 3.10 2006
fpo-table-avatar-thumb User #3881 esa State College 507 3.23 2005
fpo-table-avatar-thumb User #5218 he Evergreen State College 509 N/A 2005
fpo-table-avatar-thumb User #4081 estern State College of Colorado 498 3.47 2005
fpo-table-avatar-thumb User #804 homas Edison State College 496 3.71 2005