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MD Applicants

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  • Reinvented_Virginian

  • Application cycles: 12/31/2014
  • Demographics: Female, 32, Caucasian
  • Home state: Virginia
  • Last Active: 02/28/2015
  • Brief Profile: Actually submitting an application in the Spring of 2015. Keeping an MDApplicants page because it greatly benefited me when I was deciding what schools to apply to. Seeing as my Stats are not superior by any means, I'd like to assist fellow SDN/MDApps members as much as I can. I am a bit of a different applicant also, in the sense that I am taking a gap year to pursue the application of my Undergraduate Degree, teaching. At the time of application, I'll be getting ready for my first year as a Public School teacher teaching Science in either Middle School or High School. I was a Biology & Education major during Undergrad.

    1) Clinical Volunteering: 500 + Hrs at ER Dept at my local Hospital
    2) Clinical Volunteering: Volunteered at Government Apotek, or Clinic, in Bhutan, Summer of 2014

    1) Clinical Shadowing: Shadowed my GP for 50 Hrs
    2) Clinical Shadowing: Shadowed my brother's Urologist for 50 Hrs, learned about dialysis & renal disease

    1) Non-Clinical Volunteering: Helped set up Girl's Empowerment STEM Bootcamps at my University
    2) Non-Clinical Volunteering: Worked at Physics Camps for incoming students at my University
    3) Non-Clinical Volunteering: Alternative Break Coordinator, Government in Africa

    1) EC: President & Founder of Botany Club
    2) EC: Founder of Interfaith Society
    3) EC: Sports Columnist for School Newspaper
    4) EC: Student Representative for Class of 2015
    5) EC: Studied in Bhutan through a State Dept Scholarship in Summer of 2014, lived in University City
    6) EC: Senior Judge on Honor Council

    1) Work: TA for Mathematics Department
    2) Work: Research Assistant for Graduate Data Lab in School Library
    3) Work: Resident Advisor for 3 Years

    1) Research: Research assistant in Neurogenomics Lab for 2 years
    2) Research: Conducted Longitudinal Study on Student Performance as a part of TA Duties, presented at 6 conferences, 1 Publication
    3) Research: Summer Research program at USUHS
    4) Research: Summer Research Program at University of Virginia School of Medicine, 1 Chemistry Publication
    5) Research: During my summer in Bhutan, I research religious devision in various Islands, and presented my findings at an International Conference

    1) Science Professor in Seminar Course, Advisor, Boss for TA job I did
    2) Science Professor in Biochemistry Course in which I received an A
    3) Education Professor who was my advisor during the internship portion of my degree, understands my career goals
    4) Hospital Coordinator who has known me for 5+ years and is a trusted confidant
    5) Research Advisor at UVA SRIP Program who I worked under and grew to admire greatly
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 12/31/2014

    • Undergraduate college: State College
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 472
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 118, C/P 118, CARS 118  
    • Overall GPA: 1.00
    • Science GPA: 1.00

    No applications have been submitted yet during this cycle.

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