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And attended undergraduate college at "UC".

Your search generated: 1,349 results.

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User Undergrad College MCAT GPA APP CYCLE
fpo-table-avatar-thumb aquamist C Berkeley 517 3.79 06/30/2023
fpo-table-avatar-thumb rsn121 C Berkeley 517 3.52 06/15/2020
fpo-table-avatar-thumb AirBlizzard C Irvine 512 2.90 10/03/2019
fpo-table-avatar-thumb GabElly CLA 511 3.70 07/02/2019
fpo-table-avatar-thumb trident44 CSB 514 3.75 06/26/2019
fpo-table-avatar-thumb lightaxel0 niversity of Kentucky 522 4.00 06/05/2018
fpo-table-avatar-thumb dnsf CSD 519 3.83 06/01/2018
fpo-table-avatar-thumb IceDuchess C Irvine 514 3.57 05/15/2018
fpo-table-avatar-thumb 4theculture C 472 3.00 06/22/2017
fpo-table-avatar-thumb timoteeee CSD 472 3.67 06/11/2017