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And attended undergraduate college at UC.

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User Undergrad College MCAT GPA APP CYCLE
fpo-table-avatar-thumb MDhopeless C 507 3.80 06/01/2020
fpo-table-avatar-thumb OntologicalDamnation C Berkeley 516 4.00 07/28/2019
fpo-table-avatar-thumb anonymous123454321 C school 519 3.93 06/16/2019
fpo-table-avatar-thumb mc_490g niversity of Kentucky 498 3.71 08/16/2018
fpo-table-avatar-thumb Throwaway3214 C San Diego 520 3.30 06/20/2018
fpo-table-avatar-thumb DontfollowmeImlost estern Kentucky University 515 3.62 08/10/2017
fpo-table-avatar-thumb Lardy Boy C 514 3.90 07/14/2017
fpo-table-avatar-thumb dundermifflinthisispam CSD 521 3.68 07/13/2017
fpo-table-avatar-thumb BabyGotPostBacc C Irvine 509 2.77 07/05/2017
fpo-table-avatar-thumb adavis27 C Merced 502 3.14 06/26/2017