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And attended undergraduate college at CA.

Your search generated: 828 results.

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User Undergrad College MCAT GPA APP CYCLE
fpo-table-avatar-thumb SurgeonOrBust merican University 511 3.74 07/29/2012
fpo-table-avatar-thumb Peregrine niversity of California, Irvine 509 3.83 2012
fpo-table-avatar-thumb bananarama niversity of South Carolina 513 3.75 09/14/2011
fpo-table-avatar-thumb bornandbred niversity of North Carolina 507 3.11 08/21/2011
fpo-table-avatar-thumb Futuredoctors anadian University 472 4.00 08/16/2011
fpo-table-avatar-thumb aka439 ESCAC 517 3.90 07/25/2011
fpo-table-avatar-thumb Matt In The Hat orth Carolina State University 509 3.82 07/19/2011
fpo-table-avatar-thumb NovelCase ase Western Reserve University 502 3.30 07/13/2011
fpo-table-avatar-thumb jshunt niversity of California, San Diego 507 3.60 07/12/2011
fpo-table-avatar-thumb miss_e niversity of California, Santa Barbara 493 3.33 07/06/2011