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You searched for applicants who:
And attended undergraduate college at "University of Alabama".

Your search generated: 44 results.

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User Undergrad College MCAT GPA APP CYCLE
fpo-table-avatar-thumb Zachary Bourg he University of Alabama 518 4.00 05/30/2023
fpo-table-avatar-thumb ADSigMel he University of Alabama 516 3.62 05/31/2017
fpo-table-avatar-thumb cm1416 niversity of Alabama 504 3.90 2017
fpo-table-avatar-thumb WhoTellsYourStory? niversity of Alabama 472 3.96 06/12/2016
fpo-table-avatar-thumb Applesaucey niversity of Alabama 520 3.95 06/06/2016
fpo-table-avatar-thumb tiffanyblue007 niversity of Alabama 519 3.86 06/09/2013
fpo-table-avatar-thumb Catatumi he University of Alabama 492 3.30 08/31/2012
fpo-table-avatar-thumb MDSCHOOLORBUST niversity of Alabama 514 3.64 07/06/2012
fpo-table-avatar-thumb kdi10 niversity of Alabama at Birmingham 514 3.69 08/28/2011
fpo-table-avatar-thumb JNC11189 he University of Alabama 502 3.65 07/03/2011