Brief Profile:
To summarize a long story, I was accepted on 4/21 and deferred acceptance until 2009 to ATSU-SOMA...
Currently, I'm re-applying to Texas med schools below...
Applied to About 20 schools including 12 D.O. schools...
Interviewed at LECOM-Erie, LECOM-Bradenton, and ATSU-SOMA. And was rejected, put on the alternate list, and accepted (respectively).
MCAT Scores:
May 2007: 8,8,8 R Jan 2008: 10,7,9 Q
~~~My Resume~~~
Educational Information
* Major --- Health Science Studies * Minor --- Medical Humanities
* In an interdisciplinary Honors Program * 'Presidential' Scholarship Recipient --- Merit-based (08/2004-05/2008) * Dean's List (05/2008)
Employment Activities Part-time Employment:
* Undergraduate Intramural Supervisor --- Work Study Program working as a referee and supervising all sports; specialize in Football, Basketball, and Soccer (08/2004 ? 05/2008; about 8 hours/week)
Full-time Employment:
* University of ________: Office of Technology Commercialization Intern --- Worked in the Intellectual Property department helping university professors patent research and inventions (05/2007 - 08/2007; about 40 hours/week)
* _______ Medical Center: Patient Care Technician --- Worked in the Emergency Department assisting nurses with triage, recording vital signs, providing basic wound care, performing routine tests, transporting patients, updating charts, and stocking supplies (05/2008 - Present; 30-45 hours/week)
Volunteer Work/Activities:
* Free Clinic Volunteer --- Worked as a clinical assistant to triage patients (01/2007 ? Present; about 50 hrs) * Hospital Volunteer --- Intermediate Care Unit, Intensive Care Unit, Medical/Surgical Unit, Pharmacy (Seasonally; about 50 hrs) * Unpaid Internship -Radiology w/ an MD- (12/2007 - 05/2008; 150 hrs) * Shadowing a DO ? Internal Medicine/Pulmonary (01/2008; about 20 hrs)
Extracurricular Activities College (including leadership positions):
* Christian Health Care Society --- President (08/2005 ? 05/2008) * Beta Upsilon Chi --- Member (08/2005 ? 05/2008); Intramural Chair (08/2006 ? 05/2008) * Student Government --- Junior Senator (08/2006 - 05/2007); Senior Senator (08/2007 ? 05/2008); Operations and Procedures Vice Chairman (08/2007 ? 05/2008) * Medical Ethics Discussion Society --- Member (08/2005 ? 05/2008); Discussion Leader (08/2007 ? 05/2008)
Foreign Travel:
* Costa Rica ? (July 2004) * Mexico ? (Multiple occasions/destinations) * Belize ? (July 2007) * Japan ? (March 2007) * England ? (March 2006)
// Applications //
Application Cycle One: 2008
Undergraduate college: Baylor University
Undergraduate Area of study: Premedical Studies
Institution: Community College
Area of Study: Computing and Information Science
Total MCAT SCORE: 502
MCAT Section Scores:
B/B 125,
C/P 124,
CARS 127
Overall GPA: 3.40
Science GPA: 3.20
Summary of Application Experience
Overview of Applications for 2008 cycle:
Awaiting Secondary University of Texas, Southwestern
Rejected Pre-Secondary University of Texas, Galveston - 'Rejected 1/25' University of Texas, Houston - 'Rejected 4/14' University of Texas, San Antonio - 'Rejected 1/21'
Withdrew Pre-Secondary Texas A & M University - 'forgot to do the secondary... whoops!' Texas Tech University - 'Stupid eRaider account; plus didn't want to live in Lubbock anyways'
Received/Submitted Secondary Nova Southeastern University Philadelphia College - Philadelphia Rocky Vista University
Rejected Post-Secondary Chicago College of Mid. University - 'Rejected 3/15' Des Moines University - 'Rejected 1/30' Kansas City University - 'Rejected 3/16' Ohio University - 'Rejected 4/26' University of Louisville - 'Rejected 4/27...' University of North Texas - 'Rejected 1/17'
Invited for Interview/Awaiting Decision Arizona College of Mid. University - 'Waitlisted 4/6' Lake Erie College - Erie - 'Interview 3/6...Rejected 5/20...'
Waitlisted, Awaiting Outcome Lake Erie College - Bradenton - 'Interview 2/29... On the Alternate List as of 3/29.'
Interviewed, Waitlisted, Not Accepted University of Kentucky - 'Waitlisted 1/20... Never Interviewed.... Rejected 4/12'
Interviewed, Accepted A.T. Still University - Mesa - 'Interviewed 4/4. Accepted 4/21!'
Long School of Medicine - University of Texas Health Sciences Center, San Antonio
User #9828 took the old MCAT and scored a 26 which is in the 55th percentile of all old scores.
We converted this to a 502 on the updated scale which is in the 57th percentile of the updated MCAT. We also converted User #9828’s section scores as follows:
User #9828 scored a 9 on the Biological Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 125 on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems.
User #9828 scored a 7 on the Physical Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 124 on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems.
User #9828 scored a 10 on the Verbal Reasoning section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 127 on the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills.