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MD Applicants

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  • User #9280

  • Application cycles: 2013
  • Demographics: Male, 39, Caucasian
  • Home state: Arizona
  • Last Active: 11/11/2016
  • Brief Profile: Stats above are altered for anonymity.

    cGPA: 3.5-3.8
    sGPA: 3.5-3.8
    MCAT: 27-29

    - Above average stats (LECOM-B complimented me on my GPA!)
    - Volunteered (At some places I volunteered for 10 years. I guess that showed commitment.)
    - I took many upper division classes in human physiology while in school.

    - Have been out of school for a while (Reason for rejection at RVUCOM)
    - Took a while to send back secondaries (at some schools up to a month!)
    - Applied late.

    Top choices: KCUMB and DMU
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 2013

    • Undergraduate college: State school
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 505
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 127, C/P 127, CARS 124  
    • Overall GPA: 3.70
    • Science GPA: 3.50

    Summary of Application Experience

    Cost of Application:

    $1,830 Kaplan Course
    $100 Examkrackers Materials
    $315 The Berkley Review
    $270 MCAT
    -$200 Sold study materials

    $1,280 Primary AACOMAS Application (About 30 schools)
    ~$850+ Secondaries
    ~$90+ Interfolio Letter of Recommendation service
    $ Hotels/Car rental/Gas/Food etc.
    Total: $5,000+* (I stopped caring after $5,000)
    Budget: $7,000

    *This amount doesn't include other things like the suit, travel, and other accommodations.

    I sent my primary to all the DO schools but only sent my secondary to about 50% of the schools.
    The following weren't in the drop down menu

    Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine - Interview Invite - Withdrew

    Summary of application cycle

    One of my biggest regrets is not having applied earlier. I feel the outcomes of my interviews would have been more positive if I had applied 1-2 month(s) earlier when more seats were available. By the time I was interviewing in November a lot of SDN members had already decided where they wanted to go. You want to begin your application as soon as it opens up.

    *If your MCAT score isn't ready to turn in when AACOMAS opens up you can always submit it to 1 school so it can be verified. When your MCAT scores are back your transcripts are already verified and ready to be turned in.*

    I also took too long filling out the secondaries. A majority of my secondaries were turned in within the first 2 weeks but some were after a month. I really shot myself in the foot with that.

    Make sure you have a proper list of schools that you would be interested in. By the time I was ready to submit it had already been ~2 weeks after getting my MCAT scores. Rather than narrow down a proper list I just sent my primary to all schools. I figured when the secondaries came along I would research the schools and respond accordingly. I only returned about 1/2 the secondaries I received. This ended up costing me a few hundred dollars extra but it bought me some time to do research on each school.

    July 2013:

    - 07/13/2013 - MCAT

    August 2013:

    - 08/13/2013 - MCAT Results - 10/7/10 (No writing section)
    - 08/29/2013 - AACOMAS submitted
    - 08/30/2013 - First secondary (MSU-COM)

    September 2013:

    - 09/07/2013 - First secondary sent out (DMU)
    - 09/21/2013 - First interview invite (LECOM - Bradenton)

    October 2013:

    - 10/15/2013 - Second interview invite (ATSU-SOMA)

    November 2013:

    - Interviewed at ATSU-SOMA, Western University (Pomona), KCUMB, and LECOM-Bradenton.

    December 2013:

    - Rejected from ATSU-SOMA, Waitlisted at Western University (Pomona) and LECOM-Bradenton, Accepted at KCUMB.

    January 2014:

    - Interview and waitlist at DMU.
    - Application cycle is over. I've decided I won't be sending updates to the schools who waitlisted me. Going to enjoy my time off and matriculate at KCUMB in the fall!

    April 2014:

    - Interview Invite for AZCOM. I really didn't expect this but I'll play since it's IS.

    May 2014:

    - Interview scheduled at AZCOM

    - Decided I will be matriculating at KCUMB.

    Later in 2014:

    - Got off WL for Western U (Pomona). Unfortunately I had already put down my deposit at KCUMB

    November 2016:

    The time flew by pretty quickly. For the most part I'm happy with having chosen KCU. Our class average COMLEX Level 1 score was a 551.92 (30 points above the national average) and 98.8% first-time pass rate.

    Application Complete, Rejected

    A.T. Still University - Kirksville
    Ohio University
    New York College of New York Tech.
    Nova Southeastern University
    Rocky Vista University
    Lake Erie College - Erie
    Oklahoma State University
    Lincoln Memorial University

    Invited for Interview, Withdrew

    West Virginia (D.O.)

    Attended Interview, Rejected

    A.T. Still University - Mesa

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted

    Arizona College of Mid. University

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted, Withdrew

    Lake Erie College - Bradenton
    Des Moines University

    Accepted off Waitlist

    Western University of Health Sciences


    Kansas City University

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