Brief Profile:
Minor in history, major in biology. Volunteered in Peds Playroom of Hospital. Worked in a pediatrician\'s office doing back office work. Phlebotomy experience (hospital) post-college. Several campus clubs, various leadership experiences. No research experience.
Much of my credits are AP/IB credits, so I graduated in 3 years (easily; I started with 46 credits). I have advanced classes in biology, but I only took the physics labs in university, not the lectures. As such, I am excluded from applying to some schools, including SLU, Rochester, Columbia, etc.
Now that I\'ve matriculated, I\'m more than happy to answer any questions about UVA specifically, or the cycle in general.
// Applications //
Application Cycle One: 06/01/2009
Undergraduate college: UCCS
Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
Total MCAT SCORE: 519
MCAT Section Scores:
B/B 130,
C/P 129,
CARS 129
Overall GPA: 3.98
Science GPA: 4.00
Summary of Application Experience
May \'09 - prepping for AMCAS submission. This is the best time to get your LORs and transcripts in. June \'09 - Submitted on the first day (6/2) and was verified three days later. July \'09 - First secondary came on the first. Complete at Jefferson, MCW, UVA, VCU, Mt. Sinai, NYU, and UPenn. August \'09 - Received secondary from Colorado. Complete at USC. Interview invite at UVA and USC. Status update at MCW (small pooled) and VCU (MAY crowd). September \'09 - Interview at UVA. Interview Invite at Colorado and VCU. October \'09 - Interview at Colorado and USC. Acceptance from UVA (first batch) and USC (day after interview). November \'09 - Withdrew from USC. January \'10 - Withdrew pre-interview from VCU. February \'10 - Rejection from UPenn. March \'10 - Rejections from NYU and Colorado. April \'10 - Rejection from Jefferson. May \'10 - Rejection from Mt. Sinai and MCW.
Running total of costs... $4 - Interfolio delivery to AMCAS $404 - AMCAS $80 - Jefferson Secondary $70 - MCW Secondary $80 - UVA Secondary $105 - Mt. Sinai Secondary (:-O) $80 - VCU Secondary $80 - UPenn Secondary $100 - NYU Secondary $95 - USC Secondary $100 - CU Secondary $275 - Traveling cost for UVA Interview $35 - Traveling cost for CU Interview $585 - Traveling + Lodging cost for USC Interview ------------------- Total - $2093
Application Complete, Rejected
Medical College of Wisconsin
Applying for combined PhD/MSTP? No
Submitted: 06/04/2009
Secondary Completed: 07/01/2009
Interview Invite: No
Interview Attended: No
Waitlisted: No
Accepted: No
Rejected: 05/16/2010
Summary of Experience:
As you know earlier in the year your application was reviewed and moved to a pool of applicants who potentially would be invited to interview with us. Invitations to interview are extended to candidates using the selectors of strength of credentials and completion date. The committee has determined that we have now completed the interviewing process for the entering Class of 2010,2010. In doing so, we were unable to reach your application, not allowing us the opportunity to invite you to interview for the class and your application has now been withdrawn.
Summary of Experience:
The Admissions Committee has carefully reviewed your application to Jefferson Medical College. The Committee regrets to inform you that we are unable to offer you a place in the 2010 entering class.
We wish you success in your career and in your efforts to gain admission to another medical school. Thank you for considering Jefferson Medical College.
Summary of Experience:
We regret to inform you that we will not be able to offer you a place in the Mount Sinai School of Medicine for the upcoming year. We had a large number of highly qualified students apply to the School of Medicine and we unfortunately are unable to offer an acceptance to many great applicants. These decisions are difficult to make because of the sheer number of impressive applicants.
Summary of Experience:
\"Thank you for your interest in Penn Med. You were among many candidates applying for acceptance to our class entering in the Fall 2010.
Although we are unable to offer you a position in the class, we hope you will succeed in your career goals to become a physician.\"
Summary of Experience:
After careful consideration of your application, the Committee on Admissions is unable to offer you a place in the class entering August, 2010. This year, we received over 7,200 applications for the 166 places available in the entering class. It is unfortunate that we are unable to accept many well-qualified candidates. Please let me take this opportunity to wish you every success and to thank you for your interest in New York University School of Medicine.
Summary of Experience:
The Admissions Committee has completed consideration of your application for the first year class of the University Of Colorado School Of Medicine. Regretfully, the Committee has concluded that it will not be possible to offer you a position in the Class of 2014 or to place you on our alternate list.
Summary of Experience:
I am going to medical school! And really, even if I don\'t get into my state school, I\'d be so happy going here that I\'m totally willing to withdraw from everywhere else (save South Carolina, since I\'ve already booked my plane ticket).
Summary of Experience:
While there are some very interesting aspects of their curriculum, the area doesn\'t have what I really want right now, and the students seem way more stressed than the students I\'ve met at other schools, and study a whole lot more to make the grade. I also don\'t like the traditional curriculum or the ABCDF grading scale.
mvenus929 took the old MCAT and scored a 36 which is in the 97th percentile of all old scores.
We converted this to a 519 on the updated scale which is in the 97th percentile of the updated MCAT. We also converted mvenus929’s section scores as follows:
mvenus929 scored a 13 on the Biological Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 130 on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems.
mvenus929 scored a 12 on the Physical Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 129 on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems.
mvenus929 scored a 11 on the Verbal Reasoning section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 129 on the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills.