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MD Applicants

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  • User #804

  • Application cycles: 2005
  • Demographics: Male, Hispanic
  • Home state: New Jersey
  • Brief Profile: ===========================================================
    Also attended:

    Baylor college of Medicine
    Honors clinical preceptorship

    Tons of years volunteering at major hospital
    Clinical preceptorship at Houston Medical center
    President premed society
    Organized overseas medical/christian mission
    Tutored math and science at major university and college for years
    Volunteer during Andrew Hurricane Miami Florida
    Volunteer during Houston city flood 2001
    Bioethical symposium participant
    Through project sent electrical generators to poor Andean villages
    Amateur Painter and Caricaturist
    Amateur Soccer player
    Church founder
    Assistant pastor
    Cisco Systems award for small business
    Dean's List 1 Term
    Project founder to give free medical care to migrant workers
    Cuatro player
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 2005

    • Undergraduate college: Thomas Edison State College
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Computing and Information Science
    • Institution: St. thomas University
    • Area of Study: Physical Sciences
    • Institution: Rice University
    • Area of Study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 496
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 123, C/P 126, CARS 123  
    • Overall GPA: 3.71
    • Science GPA: 3.78

    Summary of Application Experience

    (a)= announced would send secondary (r)=received secondary (s)=submitted secondary (c)=file complete (se)=sent snail mail (i)= Interview date (ai)= announced interview date (ap) = applied sent primary (ac) accepted

    AMCAS submitted 08/16/05
    Transcripts 08/25/02 (had to send rice twice)
    AMCAS transmitted 9/01/05
    TMDSAS transmitted 8/31/05
    AACOMAS transmitted 9/08/05

    1st LOR from Dr. A received on 09/02/05

    9/07/05 the first secondary that screens (U of I) announced they'll send

    Other profs have not returned calls about LORs 09/08/05

    Dr. E said he would send letters as soon as possible, but not this week because of the effects of hurricane Katrina 09/12/05

    Sent in Mayo surf application 09/15/05

    09/16/05 called Dr. V, secretary says he has been busy. I am about to send him flowers or something.

    Planning to travel down to undergrad school to claim letters.

    09/21 Missouri-columbia sent a letter asking me for an essay stating why they should consider my application as an out os state student :|

    09/22 finally got Dr. V. on the phone, he said he sent letters to secretary Mrs. J, he was hesitant to send new lORs >:|. Mrs. J says she will get to letters this afternoon. I sent her the new ones, asking to use the same letter and just change the address.

    09/22 found Dr. S at her new school. She said she would email later to inform if she found the old letter and if not she would rewrite a new one, based on my resume but would take longer than a week >:|

    09/23 sent out Howard secondary (the do not waive fee!) and Missouri out of state form.

    09/25 Dr. S sent an email saying she would send letters to 5 of my schools.

    09/26 Dr. S emailed saying she had sent letters to 5 schools.

    09/26 Crist from PCOM said they had AACOMAS, and supplemental and would indicate via snail mail what was missing, that she could not indicate what was missing at this moment since it had not been processed.

    09/27? Dr. E said he would send his LORs this week

    09/30 Secretary for Dr. V said LORs sent yesterday

    09/30 PCOM letter indicating what had been received

    09/30 UofI letter sent asking for witness on background check form

    10/03 I contacted Dr. E to see if he finally sent letters, he says his wife's car is broken so he's had to pick her up after work and therefore has not been able to (LAME!) he will supposedly try this afternoon again.

    10/03 received U of I secondary this is the 2nd one that screen.

    10/03 received supplementary for U of Indiana, it supposedly means an automatic interview - no fee waiver though.

    10/17 application is being reviewed at NJMS

    10/18 Karen at UTSW said application should be complete either that day or that week. WITW???

    10/18 Received email from Iowa asking me to call to schedule interview
    Yeahh babyyy!

    10/21 Indiana U. sent interview invite. :)

    11/02 Duke stated rejection online

    11/02 added Florida state university. I guess going back to Florida is now an option.

    11/11 Came back from my U of I interview which went fantastic and found and email interview announce from NJMS, now IU interview is in a few days. Here I come midwest :D

    11/18 Had nt IU interview about 2 days ago/ This interview went even better/ Dr. K is a great person, I hope he goes to bat for me.

    11/28 I am getting ready for my UMDNJ interview, I really wish to rock this one. Today I changed my mdapplc profile a bit for anonimity reasons :). Mrs. D from Nova replied today saying my appl. was under rewiev and could remain like that until march 2006...

    11/30 I had my NJMS interview with Mr. W. It went fine but I am not sure of How I will fare. I am keeping the faith.

    12/01 Today PCOM on a reply to my email announced an interview date is on its way. Makes you wonder about the admissions process.

    12/08 Dr. A. sent LOR for FSU and Dr. S said would send next week. Here comes the LOR chase again.

    12/14 PCOM announced my interview date today. A few days ago, my last LOR writer said he would send it soon, now I am just missing my peer letter for FSU. :)

    01/09 Ok my appl. was waitlisted at NJMS. Today my LOR arrived at FSU and spoke to Howard who says I am not yet out, have been reviewed and will be reviewed again for interviews in February. NYCOM says I am still being reviewed and if they are interested they will notify me. Could not reach nova today.

    01/11 PCOM interview.

    01/13 complete at FSU, the website, although I received the complete email on the 13th says I am complete as of 01/18 (finally)

    01/19 Interviewed at PCOM on 01/11 and today I got my first acceptance YEAH YEAH YEAH!. I had kind of a weird interview with 3 interviewers and one of them gave me the evil eye so I thought I would not get in. I am pleased with how quick they replied. I think I will be enrolling. It is definitely my number one choice with the residency my mentor did and the one I would be pleased to do as well. Praise God!

    Applied, Rejected

    University of North Carolina
    New York College of New York Tech.
    Morehouse School of Medicine
    University of Missouri, Columbia
    University of New Mexico

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Nova Southeastern University
    Howard University
    Florida State University
    University of Texas, Southwestern
    Johns Hopkins University
    Duke University
    Brown University

    Attended Interview, Rejected

    Indiana University
    University of Iowa

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted, Rejected

    UMDNJ - New Jersey


    Philadelphia College - Philadelphia

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