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MD Applicants

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  • User #7952

  • Application cycles: 2007
  • Demographics: Female, Caucasian
  • Home state: Pennsylvania
  • Brief Profile: Major: My major is often called a blend of the humanities and social sciences, and it's so uncommon I'd rather not list it in favor of staying anonymous. I love my major, but I have also taken many difficult science classes as electives.

    ~studied abroad in Western Europe, took classes on disease mechanisms and classes in a hospital taught by two doctors, shadowed doctors in two countries, visited hospitals and research labs in various European countries
    ~have conducted clinical research at a leading hospital in my school's state for three semesters and one full summer, co-authored an article which has recently been published
    ~write almost every week for school newspaper
    ~work about 8 hours per week on campus, editor and author of office's major publication that will come out next fall, manage other writers for publication
    ~worked about 8 hours/week as a freshman and sophomore for a science professor in a filing job
    ~pre-med society
    ~Habitat for Humanity

    ~Dean's List all but one semester, 4.0 last semester
    ~Girl Scout Gold Award recipient
    ~recently published in a medical journal (co-authored article)
    ~last year's Writer of the Year for school newspaper
    ~recently won an honorable mention in top national scholastic journalism award program
    ~received competitive fund from university alumni to work for non-profit this summer, will do health screenings/health education in local area
    ~receive major scholarship from American billionaire for being a self-starter entrepreneur
    ~member of an national academic honor society, was previously an officer
    ~receive scholarship from my university for pre-med
    ~high school valedictorian
    ~attended prestigious pre-med program in high school

    Volunteering/Shadowing Experience:
    ~volunteered 60+ hours in local nursing home
    ~spent two spring breaks building houses with Habitat for Humanity
    ~shadowed various family practice physicians and specialists for two weeks through shadowing program
    ~shadowed family physician in my hometown

    Other stuff:
    ~I'm from a rural area.
    ~I go to a top liberal arts school.
    ~My school makes us take very hard science courses our first year, and my science GPA has been continually improving.
    ~I plan on applying at the beginning of June.
    ~I am retaking the MCAT in the middle of June.
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 2007

    • Undergraduate college: Bucknell University
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Computing and Information Science
    • Institution: studied abroad
    • Area of Study: Premedical Studies
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 500
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 125, C/P 124, CARS 126  
    • Overall GPA: 3.55
    • Science GPA: 3.36

    Summary of Application Experience

    I'm retaking the MCAT in hopes of getting a better score. Please let me know if you have any advice about the process and where you think it's feasible for me to apply. I'm planning on applying to all the schools in Pennsylvania, MD and DO, excluding UPenn. I will probably apply to 20 schools total.

    No applications have been submitted yet during this cycle.

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