Research: ~1200 hours in a Structural Biology lab; one poster at a school-specific student conference, no peer-reviewed publications
Internship(s): ~400 hours working with the Health Committee at German Parliament
1) General Chemistry Lab TA (~160 hours)
2) Organic Chemistry Prep and Lab TA (~210 hours)
3) Cell Biology Lab TA (~50 hours)
4) German Drill Instructor (~320 hours)
Shadowing: 88 hours across various pediatric subspecialties, both in the US and Mexico
1) 60 hours at a hospital in Uganda
2) 80+ hours at my local food bank (ongoing and not reported on AMCAS, but will be sent in an update letter)
Other Leadership:
1) Student Assembly Project Coordinator (~1 year)
2) Member of the Elections Planning and Advisory Committee (1 season)
1) Member of the Club Fencing Team (~3.5 years)
2) Member of the Club Archery Team (~2.5 years)
3) Co-founded and led a College publication (~1 year)
4) Member of a Global Health advocacy coalition (~1 year)
Two highly-selective department-specific achievement awards
Some department-specific book awards
An undergraduate teaching award
8 citations across 4 departments for meritorious course performance
LORs: 2 Science (Chemistry and Biology), 1 PI, 1 Lab Instructor, 2 non-science (Linguistics and German)
No applications have been submitted yet during this cycle.