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MD Applicants

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  • kczermerys

  • Application cycles: 05/30/2020
  • Demographics: Male, 27, Caucasian
  • Home state: New York
  • Last Active: 10/30/2020
  • Brief Profile: cGPA: 3.92

    sGPA: 3.93

    1000 hours volunteering in various aspects

    1 yr as a Research assistant, 1 poster publication as first author, presented at Eastern Psychological Association

    1 yr as Resident Assistant

    1 yr on student government

    Internship in research and teaching about healthcare careers to underprivileged youth

    Currently working as a Graduate Assistant, managing a mental health clinic.

    Played clarinet for 10+ years, sang for even more, and have performed with a Blues Hall of Famer.
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 05/30/2020

    • Undergraduate college: Rural Vermont College
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Psychology/Social Sciences
    • Institution: SUNY school
    • Area of Study: Psychology/Social Sciences
    • Degree Obtained: Clinical Mental Health Counseling
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 505
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 126, C/P 124, P/S 130, CARS 125
    • Overall GPA: 3.92
    • Science GPA: 3.93

    Summary of Application Experience

    Secondary completed for SUNY Buffalo, UVM, CMU, Mich State, Downstate, Temple, NYIT, Geisinger, and Drexel

    Applied, Withdrew

    University of Michigan
    New York University
    Lake Erie College - Erie

    Application Complete

    University of Connecticut
    Albany Medical College
    SUNY Buffalo
    University of Rochester
    SUNY Downstate
    Temple University
    University of California, San Diego

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Pennsylvania State University
    Michigan State University

    Application Complete, Withdrew

    The Commonwealth Medical College
    Drexel University
    Loyola University Chicago
    New York College of New York Tech.

    Attended Interview

    University of Vermont

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