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MD Applicants

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  • User #7304

  • Application cycles: 2006
  • Demographics: Female, African
  • Home state: Georgia
  • Brief Profile: 3 years of research. No publications, but extensive input on one project. One award at a national conference. Pre-health program. Honors program. Couple of societies. Extensive community service with significant committments to two organizations. Worked 30+ hours in non-medical field. Study abroad. Foreign language minor.

    The GPA is pretty interesting.
    Freshman: 3.9
    Sophomore: 3.9
    Junior:, research, full-time job, and I was sick for close to two months first semester.
    Senior: 3.6 so far

    I explained the situation on my AMCAS and if there was opportunity on any secondaries.
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 2006

    • Undergraduate college: Spelman College
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 505
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 125, C/P 126, CARS 127  
    • Overall GPA: 3.60
    • Science GPA: 3.44

    Summary of Application Experience

    Didn't get in as early as I wanted to. Partially my fault, partially due to late LORs (thanks super PI). Getting more interviews now. MD/PhD at most schools and I feel I'm qualified so I'm not really worried. My stats are in range, although below average for most schools, but I feel really good about my essays and LORs. So for those who are leaving you'll only get in because you're Black comments, please save your time. They won't be approved anyway. I made a profile to help people in this process and get USEFUL feedback. (*Hint: Keyword in ALL CAPS)

    Applied, Rejected

    Wake Forest University

    Applied, Withdrew

    Duke University
    Columbia University
    Howard University

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Johns Hopkins University
    Emory University
    Stanford University
    Baylor College

    Attended Interview, Rejected

    New York University

    Attended Interview, Withdrew

    George Washington University
    Washington University in St. Louis

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted, Rejected

    Morehouse School of Medicine


    University of Alabama

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