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MD Applicants

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  • Application cycles: 06/12/2018
  • Demographics: Male, 29, South Asian
  • Home state: Texas
  • Last Active: 08/24/2018
  • Brief Profile: LM 75ish

    Will update after cycle ends.
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/12/2018

    • Undergraduate college: Public State School
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Engineering/Technology
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 472
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 118, C/P 118, P/S 118, CARS 118
    • Overall GPA: 0.00
    • Science GPA: 0.00

    Summary of Application Experience

    Application Cycle Timeline

    School-specific dates are available in the section below this, and I have also included a visual representation of my cycle at the bottom of this section (scroll right for key).

    04/23: Started worrying that I hadnt started writing anything or asked for LORs
    05/01: TMDSAS opened, cue the anxiety
    05/15: Finally started writing PS
    05/18: Asked for LORs (do not recommend asking this late, pretty sure I got lucky on the turnaround time)
    05/24: First draft of PS done
    05/25: Trashed PS and restarted
    05/30: Completely done with PS, transcript received by TMDSAS and AMCAS
    05/31: AMCAS opened, anxiety increases
    06/03: Submitted TMDSAS
    06/11: Added TTUHSC Lubbock to primary
    06/12: Submitted AMCAS
    06/15: Neurotic friends and r/premed and SDN increase anxiety further
    06/19: TMDSAS verified and transmitted, TAMU/UTSW secondary received
    06/20: McGovern/TTU Lubbock/TTU PLFSOM secondary received
    06/22: LORs received by TMDSAS
    06/27: Complete at UTSA/UTMB
    06/28: UTSW secondary submitted and complete
    06/30: TTU Lubbock secondary submitted and complete, Columbia secondary received
    07/01: TAMU/TTU PLFSOM secondary submitted and complete
    07/02: LORs received by AMCAS, McGovern secondary submitted and complete
    07/06: Prtizker secondary received
    07/10: UMich/UPenn/Duke secondary received
    07/11: Vanderbilt/Sinai secondary received
    07/12: NYU secondary received
    07/13: Mayo secondary received
    07/16: TTU Lubbock II! (first one), BCM secondary submmited and complete
    07/17: Yale/NW Feinberg secondary received
    07/19: Harvard secondary received
    07/20: UCLA secondary received (yay made it past their holistic screen, take that Dell)
    07/31: UTMB II!!
    08/01: UTSW II!!!, NW Feinberg secondary submitted and complete
    08/02: WashU added to primary, decided to not suffer through Dukes insufferable secondary and take the L
    08/03: UMich/Pritzker/NYU/Sinai/UCLA secondary submitted and complete, WashU secondary received
    08/07: BCM II!!!!!
    08/10: Mayo MN secondary submitted and complete
    08/11: Yale secondary submitted and complete
    08/12: Vanderbilt/UPenn/Columbia secondary submitted and complete, WashU secondary submitted (they had to manually verify that my LORs met their standards)
    08/14: Harvard secondary submitted (decided last second to apply to HST too) and complete
    08/17: TTU Lubbock interview attended, neurotically decided not to close doors and write Dukes secondary hoping that other higher stat applicants were too lazy thereby giving me a better shot :)
    08/21: WashU verification finished, now complete there
    08/23: TTU PLFSOM II!

    Invited for Interview

    Baylor College

    Attended Interview

    Texas Tech University

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