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MD Applicants

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  • User #6442

  • Application cycles: 2008
  • Demographics: Female, Caucasian
  • Home state: New York
  • Brief Profile: -Volunteer work at NY Methodist Hospital/Patient Attendant
    -Cardiac Research w/Dir. of Clinical Pathology @ NYM
    -Volunteer work with Red Cross/Disaster Services
    -Member of Leukemia & Lymphoma Society & 2-yr participant in the Manhattan Light-the-Night walk for blood cancers
    -AMSA member
    -Dean's List a few times
    -Full 4 year Presidential Scholarship to Brooklyn College
    -Full-time job at title insurance firm for the last 7 years
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 2008

    • Undergraduate college: CUNY Brooklyn College
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Institution: CUNY Brooklyn College
    • Area of Study: Computing and Information Science
    • Degree Obtained: M.S.
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 513
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 127, C/P 129, CARS 127  
    • Overall GPA: 3.48
    • Science GPA: 3.30

    Summary of Application Experience

    Aug '05 MCAT - 25P (5PS-10VR-10BS) Applied to 6 schools - straight rejections from all.

    Aug '06 MCAT - 32M (12PS-10VR-10BS) Applied LATE IN SEASON to 13 schools (not approved by AMCAS until mid-Nov, most secondaries not completed until mid-Dec) - withdrew from 1, straight rejected from 11, interviewed & waitlisted by 2

    Waitlisted at Buffalo (in bottom third of the list...not likely I will be offered any vacancies)

    Waitlisted at Downstate - REALLY wanted to go here, this was disappointing. My interview was very late in the season, and my interviewer also mentioned that she thought the committee might have an issue w/some of my bcpm grades. She highly recommended going back for a masters and reapplying to the school after getting a year of solid A's under my belt; she said she thought I would have a very good chance of being accepted at Downstate if I did this. So is my plan...

    I've been accepted to Brooklyn College's Graduate Program for a Masters in Nutrition, which I will complete in two years (07/08 & 08/09). I will reapply to med schools in June 2008 for entry into the Fall 2009 class. I will try to integrate as many EC's as possible (hard with work)...I have a few connections that I can fire up again - Research at Methodist, volunteer work with the Red Cross and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and also a water charity that one of my close friends is involved with.

    Wish me luck! I will be back on this thing in one year from now.

    10/27/08 - Hello, I'm back. Half-way through my masters (straight A's), 1 add'l EC experience (research associate at Kings County Hospital), have applied to a slew of schools, and things aren't looking too good. Here is the most important action so far:
    1) SUNY Upstate & TOUROCOM - Interviewed & WAITLISTED at both (BIG surprise here...figured both were a shoe-in)
    2) NYCM - Interviewed 10/7, awaiting response
    3) NYCOM - Interview scheduled for 11/5
    WORST of all, Downstate (my top choice) has placed me in the 'Awaiting Fall Grades' category, which means there will be NO further action on my application until my fall grades are in (which makes NO sense because I am in a Masters's not like they're waiting for grades on required classes). This SUCKS because I have now lost any advantage of having applied early.
    Looks like it's going to be either international or nursing for me...

    12/8 - Waitlisted at NYMC, but rec'd acceptance letter from NYCOM via regular mail. I am happy. I still have my doubts about osteopathic, but I think this might be my path. I have to say, I was very impressed with the school. The campus and facilities are beautiful and pristine; the anatomy lab was amazing. The student ambassadors were also really amazing. If anyone has any comment about the school, please let me know, thanks.

    6/22/09 - Out of the clear blue, an acceptance from NYMC. This took me by complete surprise, I was not expecting this to happen. That said, this is where I am going. After everything... balancing work with school, flunking the MCAT, having the courage to retake the MCAT, doing well on the MCAT and STILL not getting accepted, going back to school for TWO MORE YEARS for the Masters, still balancing work, difficult interviews with pretentious interviewers and hostile competition, waitlisted, bla bla bla....well, it paid off. DON'T EVER GIVE UP!!!

    No applications have been submitted yet during this cycle.

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