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MD Applicants

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  • KYmedic33

  • Application cycles: 05/23/2018
  • Demographics: Male, 34, Caucasian
  • Home state: Kentucky
  • Last Active: 06/16/2019
  • Brief Profile: 4 year EMS provider. Approx. 7000 direct patient care experience, 200 hours of clinical volunteering, 50 hours of shadowing. Non-traditional student. Returned to school after completing paramedic program and saw a significant improvement in academic record. Upward trend is your friend. Pre-2015 GPA was abysmal, Post-2015 grades were strong. Just trying to be more than a set of numbers and get accepted into a US medical school! Interested in emergency medicine.
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 05/23/2018

    • Undergraduate college: State School
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Institution: Private SMP
    • Area of Study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Degree Obtained: MS
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 509
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 127, C/P 126, P/S 131, CARS 125
    • Overall GPA: 2.77
    • Science GPA: 2.53

    Summary of Application Experience

    So with my low grade point average, I figured it would be in my best interest to submit my application on the very first day that it opened. I have applied to 24 medical schools in total. 17 DO, 7 MD. Im also preparing to begin an SMP program in the fall. I will continue to update as I progress through the cycle.

    6/18-- Secondaries from LECOM-Bradenton and CCOM received and completed.
    6/20 -- Secondary received and completed from LECOM-Erie
    6/21/18 -- Rejected pre-secondary by A.T. Still University-Kirksville. Pre-secondary waitlist from MUCOM and VCOM.
    6/22/18 -- Secondaries from MSUCOM and Nova received and completed.
    6/26/18 -- Pre-secondary waitlist from CUSOM
    7/2/18 -- Secondary received from OUHCOM. Rejected pre-secondary by MUCOM.
    7/3/18 -- Secondaries received from University of Illinois, Loyola Stritch, and Rosalind Franklin CMS
    7/5/18 -- Secondary received from Medical College of Wisconsin
    7/8/18 -- Secondaries completed for Rosalind Franklin CMS and University of Illinois
    7/11/18 -- Secondary received from University of Kentucky
    7/14/18 -- Secondary received from University of Louisville. Secondaries completed for Medical College of Wisconsin and University of Louisville
    7/18/2018 -- Interview invite to LECOM Erie
    7/22/2018 -- Secondary completed for UK and KYCOM
    7/22/2018-- Primary application submitted to Western Michigan, Wayne State, Uniformed Services, SLU, University of Florida, Creighton, and Virginia Commonwealth


    Ohio University
    Philadelphia College - Atlanta
    Philadelphia College - Philadelphia
    Pikeville College
    Loyola University Chicago
    Rush Medical College
    University of Illinois
    University of Kentucky

    Applied, Rejected

    A.T. Still University - Kirksville

    Application Complete

    Des Moines University
    Lincoln Memorial University
    Chicago College of Mid. University
    Lake Erie College - Bradenton
    Nova Southeastern University
    Rosalind Franklin University
    Medical College of Wisconsin
    University of Louisville

    Invited for Interview

    Lake Erie College - Erie

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