Will apply to more schoools shortly... Been slow about AMCAS only got a few things left though. mostly that darn PS:(.
Will do the secondaries as they come in. Gotta get the premed committee off there butts. Wish I could just not use them cause it would make things go much faster and smoother.
Feel free to comment.
Sorry haven't been good about keeping this thing updated. I got into SUNY Downstate on February 1st which happened to be the same day as my U of Rochester interview which went very well also. So here's hoping that UoR accepts me as its my NUMBER 1 choice to go to. Even if i have to go into insane debt in the process.
MY SUNY upstate interview was odd as my second interviewer only asked me why i wanted to be a doctor and why wrote i didnt know my parents occupations on the AMCAS (there was a reason and i explained it). And that was it. Interview lasted 15 minutes MAX (his morning interview lasted 2 hours as who he interviewed warned me about him). He said I was going to get in regardless of whether he reconmended me so he wasn't going to waste my time. This sound good but I would have preferred to have my time wasted cause now I'm spending the whole time thinking what if he was wrong. (which he was in case anyone cared to know)
I'm officially done with interviews and I won't accept anymore interview invites. (but the likelihood of more invites is slim)