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MD Applicants

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  • User #5044

  • Application cycles: 2005
  • Demographics: Female, Caucasian
  • Home state: Minnesota
  • Brief Profile: Individualized Degree (BA): 'Socio-cultural Aspects of Health'
    Study abroad: 2 mo. in Costa Rica, 2 mo. in Ecuador (medical internship)
    Research: County ER for 1 year
    Volunteer: non-profit bookstore 1 yr, currently in clinic teaching pre-natal classes in Spanish
    In Honors association, graduating summa cum laude
    I should also mention that I started out at a community college for my first year and a half.
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 2005

    • Undergraduate college: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Computing and Information Science
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 517
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 129, C/P 129, CARS 130  
    • Overall GPA: 3.95
    • Science GPA: 3.80

    Summary of Application Experience

    I applied on the deadline (usually at midnight!) for almost every school. I'm a huge procrastinator, but I guess I got lucky! Looking back, I should have sent out less primaries--I sent 20, got 20 secondaries, but only completed 12 secondaries. Looks like I'll probably be going to Northwestern, but I'll see if I get any more offers. Good luck everyone!

    2/26 Update: Just interviewed at UCSF--this is my new #1 choice. I loved San Francisco and the philosophy of the school matches perfectly with my own(i.e. community service, cultural competency, etc.) I really want to go here! If hell freezes over, pigs fly, and I get accepted to both Harvard and UCSF, it'll be a tough choice, but I think I'd go with UCSF.

    I'm currently trying to decide if I'm going to go to my interviews at Cornell and OHSU. I'm not sure that I would go there over Northwestern, but it's hard to make that decision without seeing those schools. I'll probably go, but I've been missing so much class this semester that my profs are getting fed up. I guess I should just be grateful I got so many interview offers.

    3/17 Update: Well, pigs don't fly. Got rejected from Harvard and am a little bummed but keep trying to remind myself that I was expecting it. I'm still holding out for UCSF but I'm thinking Northwestern would be nice because it is closer to home.

    Good news: was shocked to receive a letter today from U of Wisconsin offering me a full ride! I hadn't even responded to the offer of acceptance yet, but now I think I will give U of WI some more thought. I did like Northwestern better, but it's hard to turn down a full scholarship. Any advice?

    3/22 Update: Thanks for the advice guys! I just wanted to clarify a few things. I don't care about the rankings that much and NOrthwestern and U of WI are pretty close anyway, so that's not what's making the decision tough. A major factor is the grading at U of WI. I really want to go to a P/F school and U of W has grades A, AB, B, BC, etc. I'm also more interested in living in a bigger city. Anyway, just some thoughts. I agree that a full ride is very cool and a big influence!

    3/29 Monday was a tough day. Rejected from U of Wash and no call from Mayo which meant either rejection or waitlist. Waitlist email came the next day. I should hear from U of MN soon and am still holding my breath for UCSF. Thanks for the comments--wow a lot of U of WI love! I'm thinking about it...

    4/3 I'm starting to hate Mondays. 'High priority' from UCSF today. Basically it's a hold pool where they don't let you know until after May 15th. Grrrr. I thought schools had to let you know if you were rejected/accepted/waitlisted by May 15th at least! I sent them an update letter today letting them know about a new activity. Maybe that will help. PLEEEEASE let me in, UCSF!

    4/7 Yay! More good news! I got the call from Dr. Becker at the U of MN offering me an acceptance. I'm still not sure where I'll choose, although this makes it a lot more difficult because now I actually have a choice of whether to stay here with my bf or leave. Decisions, decisions.

    4/8 Got packet from the U of MN today--$5K per year scholarship! Nice, but I wish they would have matched the U of WI. Also, the wording of the scholarship is kind of confusing. It says that I have been awarded an 'Exceptional Merit Scholarship' but then the next sentence says 'This need-based scholarship is $5000 per year...'. Well, which is it? Need based or merit based? I wouldn't qualify for any need based so I wonder if it is just a typo? Anyway, I'm still holding out hope for UCSF, but I'll have to pick between the other three soon.

    4/14 Withdrew from the waitlist at Mayo today. It was so hard to do, but I have to start making decisions.

    4/18 I've been a little afraid to post my decisions lately because of the strong opinions supporting U of WI, but here it is: I'm going to Northwestern. I know everyone will think I'm crazy for turning down a full ride, but I am lucky in that I have considerable financial support from my family, and they want me to go where I will be happiest. In addition to the pass/fail curriculum at NU, I also like the limited class hours during the day, the PBL groups, and the student run clinics where you can volunteer. I speak Spanish and really want to work with the Latino community during my career, and Madison just doesn't offer as many opportunities to do that as Chicago does. I'm also excited about living in Chicago; I've never lived outside of Minnesota for more than a few months, so it will be good to experience a new place. Thanks for all your advice, everyone! If I didn't have family support it would be U of WI, hands down. It's definitely a great school, but just not the right fit for me.

    P.S. There's still a chance UCSF could change these plans, but I'm trying to prepare myself mentally for NU and assume I won't get in to UCSF.

    5/14 Well, it's settled. I'm heading to Northwestern! I got the lower half waitlist letter from UCSF, and although I'm bummed, it's kind of nice to be sure now. My family is happy that I will be staying somewhat closer to home, and I'm really excited about Chicago. I think I might have chosen NU over UCSF anyway, just because of the location, but I always would have wondered what I had given up. Now I don't have to wonder!

    Although there have been some ups and downs, I'm happy with how the application process went. If anyone reading this ever has any questions about anything, PM me on SDN at MNsocsci. Good luck future applicants!

    5/15 Wow. One last update. I was composing my withdrawal email to the U of MN today when the dean of admissions called me offering me a dean's scholarship (full ride)! I can't believe they offered this to me today of all days! I basically spent all day agonizing over the decision but ended up withdrawing from the U of MN anyway. I hope someone else who really needs it gets the scholarship. Chicago, here I come!

    Application Complete, Rejected

    New York University
    Stanford University

    Attended Interview, Rejected

    Harvard University
    University of Washington

    Attended Interview, Withdrew

    Oregon Health & Science University
    Cornell University
    Tufts University

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted, Withdrew

    Mayo Medical School
    University of California, San Francisco


    University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
    Northwestern University
    University of Wisconsin

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