The rundown: 3.73 cGPA, 3.79 sGPA 31 MCAT (11/8/12) PA resident White Female
Clinical: ~225 hours direct patient care for nursing clinicals (nursing homes and oncology unit) ~1000+ hours as a pharmacy technician, PTCB certified
Shadowing: ~60 hours shadowing a Pediatrician, Primary Care doctor, Orthopedic surgeon, Pulmonologist, Ophthalmologist/retinal surgeon (DO), Pediatric Ophthalmologist
Non-clinical Volunteering: ~80+ hours volunteering with a no-kill dog rescue (on AMCAS I put over about 200 hours, since that's what it could be by the time I would matriculate in 2015) -60+ (and counting) hours with a non-profit organization that benefits homeless/very low-income children in the Philadelphia area
Tutoring/Leadership: -Two years as a TA for economics (around 400 hours)- includes tutoring, exam proctoring, grading, etc I was basically in charge of running the class Facebook page and organizing reviews for exams, and helping with homework -Lead Pharmacy Technician at my job. I assist in training, especially. -Section Leader at the non-profit. I lead groups of 10-25 volunteers at various stations within the organization
Honors: -Alpha Epsilon Delta - participated in about 14 hours of volunteering with Red Cross and Autism Speaks in the month I was a member (nationally inducted, if that means anything..) -Deans List (likely won't list this on AMCAS) -Student Marshal at commencement
Research: Tiny amount of hypothesis-based research - one semester, maybe 40 hours - project on plant growth/development
Others/hobbies: -PADI open water diver -Pep Band (1 year, about 40 hours)
// Applications //
Application Cycle One: 06/10/2015
Undergraduate college: Penn State University
Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
Total MCAT SCORE: 511
MCAT Section Scores:
B/B 130,
C/P 128,
CARS 124
Overall GPA: 3.73
Science GPA: 3.79
Summary of Application Experience
Well, as the application season has passed and I've officially matriculated I am willing to post my stats. My summary of my application will come at a later date.
Application Complete, Rejected
Oakland University
Applying for combined PhD/MSTP? No
Submitted: Yes
Secondary Completed: Yes
Interview Invite: No
Interview Attended: No
Waitlisted: No
Accepted: No
Rejected: Yes
Summary of Experience:
Another one of my "grasping at straws" schools. However, upon further research, I felt this school could be a fit. Ultimately OUWB didn't feel that way.
Summary of Experience:
Applied here in my second round of applications out of neuroticism. No jesuit ties, wouldn't mind seeing Chicago, though. However, this late in the game I'm not expecting much from here.
Rejected 2/29. Not really surprised this late in the game.
Summary of Experience:
I loved Boston when I visited, which help draw me in applying to Tufts. Another low-yield school and at this point, I am expecting a rejection.
Summary of Experience:
Likely lightyears short of what they want for community service. I really like this school and it's mission and would attend an interview here without a second thought.
BAM! Rejected day after I write my experience description, surprise!
Summary of Experience:
Probably didn't have nearly enough community service hours as they wanted. Also have no religious affiliation and I made the mistake of putting that on my application. I guess living in Nebraska wasn't in the cards for me.
Summary of Experience:
Silence FOREVER. Sent an update letter to hopefully get my foot in the door. I live 45 minutes away, so the desire here is REAL.
Heartbroken officially :( BOOO Cycle is officially over.
Summary of Experience:
Thought this school was out of my league anyway, so I'm not shocked. Wouldn't be thrilled about living in the Bronx, other than being a diehard Yankee fan...
Summary of Experience:
Big blizzard canceling my interview made this an easy choice, I decided to withdraw my application. I wouldn't choose Richmond over Philadelphia.
Summary of Experience:
My absolute best friend in the world lives in Tampa. USF has decent OOS acceptances, so I decided to apply. I wouldn't mind moving south, which helped too.
II surprised me this late... but the opportunity to interview in Allentown is quite nice, which means I save a ton in airfare costs!
Ended withdrawing my interview. Ultimately, I decided the SELECT program here wasn't gonna work for me. If I were able to live in Tampa for 4 years, I definitely would have considered it further. However, due to personal constraints, moving across the country twice in two years wasn't going to work out.
Summary of Experience:
Received an II here in January. Due to time constraints and I decided I wouldn't pick EVMS over Drexel, I ultimately withdraw my application.
Summary of Experience:
First MMI! II came as a surprise. Can't add much about this school, yet.
Fourth post-interview rejection. I'm devastated. I don't know what keeps going wrong...
I honestly thought the MMI went fine. At least well enough to earn me a spot on the UC list. I really liked AMC, the hospital + school + everything else being located in the same building was also nice. I like their block-style curriculum. Their SIM lab was absolutely state of the art and I honestly could have seen myself very happy here. Alas, not in the cards.
**Note: Will give post-interview feedback at conclusion of cycle.
Summary of Experience:
Most of this day was a complete disaster for me. The hotel I stayed at was wonderful and they gave a discounted rate for applicants (I got upgraded to a suite!). However, I discovered I forgot deodorant. I managed to get a massive run in my stockings. I kept falling out of the heels I was wearing and by the end of the day my feet were killing me. I couldn't find a place to park and I'm pretty sure I parked illegally on some street a few blocks away from the school and due to the shoes and walking uphill, I think I may have been late, I was definitely last to arrive. I was nervous and my bad morning made it worse.
I didn't care for Scranton at all. This school didn't feel right from the beginning so that probably emanated in my interviews. My faculty interview was just awkward the entire way through. I felt fine with the student. The school itself is nice and brand-new with plenty to offer its students, just not for me.
Summary of Experience:
Quinnipiac University Frank Netter SOM
I liked Quinnipiac, a LOT. I honestly could see myself attending this school. My rejection ultimately ended up being nerves, apparently. I asked for feedback following this rejection, as it was my third post-interview rejection. They basically told me I didn't fully answer questions and my nervousness shown throughout everything I said. I honestly thought I had a good connection with my faculty interviewer, not so much the student. I am naturally sarcastic/quirky by nature, but maybe this just wasn't the place to do that.
Still, a beautiful campus and school that really does deserve some recognition.
Summary of Experience:
This was my DREAM school for a long time. I loved every minute of my interview day. I applied PSAP, which ultimately was my nail in the coffin since they thought there was no chance of me fulfilling that mission.
After speaking with the dean, I was absolutely defeated. I still loved Jefferson as a school, but it obviously wasn't meant to be.
Summary of Experience:
BLOWN AWAY by the II here. An opportunity I couldn't refuse. I've had my eye on Dartmouth for quite a while and God apparently is smiling on me right now.
Geisel was absolutely amazing. Top school I've seen by far.
I left my first interview feeling a bit down. I felt like I blew the entire thing. The second faculty interview went a lot better, but we'll see soon.
WAITLISTED! I am over the moon about a waitlist, but the fact that I'm still in consideration at Geisel is a dream come true.
Gotta admit, when I got that "you've been released from the waitlist email" was disheartening, but it is what it is and Drexel is a great school too.
I loved this school. I thought my interview went well, my interviewers seemed to love me. I was disadvantaged from the start being OOS, but WVU is a great institution with so much to offer its students.
Summary of Experience:
I loved every minute of this interview day. It was a rainy day and I was nervous, so the tone for the day wasn't excellent. They provided water and snacks and once I settled in, I felt much more relaxed. Short ice-breaker like normal before a presentation about the school and curriculum. I am definitely drawn to aspects of both IFM and PIL, but leaning towards IFM.
I was in the first group of candidates to be interviewed, so I was greatly relieved to have that finished first. I LOVED my interviewer, he was a very kind man who actually seemed interested in what I had to say, his research was also interesting, so I found myself talking that over with him. Overall, I did something right.
Following interview, there was the short ethics essay which I found easy to write, as I had faced the very ethical dilemma in the past. I opted out of my break and attended an hour worth of a second year PIL class. I LOVED that Drexel allows candidates to sit in on classes, it really opens you eyes on what you might be encountering.
They provided us with food vouchers to eat in their cafeteria. As a picky eater, I still found foods to eat and they weren't bad.
Our tour was conducted by two first-year students. They had an intimate knowledge of the school already (it's all easy to find! Phew!). Drexel has wonderful facilities for its students.
Overall, I loved this school. I was ELATED when I got my acceptance, my only one. After 3 post-interview rejections and a waitlist, I was completely disheartened. Drexel is my dream come true!
They say don't tell people you went to a school because it's the only one you were accepted to, but that's the case here. Drexel is a great school and despite it's large class size, they do their very best to make it not feel that way.
Ciestar took the old MCAT and scored a 31 which is in the 83th percentile of all old scores.
We converted this to a 511 on the updated scale which is in the 85th percentile of the updated MCAT. We also converted Ciestar’s section scores as follows:
Ciestar scored a 12 on the Biological Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 130 on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems.
Ciestar scored a 11 on the Physical Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 128 on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems.
Ciestar scored a 8 on the Verbal Reasoning section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 124 on the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills.