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MD Applicants

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  • Bromine89

  • Application cycles: 05/31/2015
  • Demographics: Male, 34, Caucasian
  • Home state: Illinois
  • Last Active: 07/06/2016
  • Brief Profile: Pre-Medicine Post-Baccalaureate

    Note: Took the MCAT 2 times. First attempt was a 25 and second attempt was a 32. This very likely had an impact on my application, however it was never brought up during my interviews.
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 05/31/2015

    • Undergraduate college: State School
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 513
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 129, C/P 128, CARS 127  
    • Overall GPA: 3.70
    • Science GPA: 3.60

    Applied, Rejected

    University of California, Los Angeles

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Boston University
    Brown University
    Case Western Reserve University
    Drexel University
    Mayo Medical School
    Oregon Health & Science University
    University of California, San Diego
    University of Maryland
    University of Washington
    University of Wisconsin
    Wayne State University
    University of Southern California
    Cornell University
    University of North Carolina
    Albert Einstein of Yeshiva University
    Northwestern University
    University of Michigan
    Emory University
    Tufts University
    Jefferson Medical College

    Invited for Interview, Withdrew

    Temple University
    SUNY Downstate

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted

    University of Chicago
    University of Illinois

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted, Withdrew

    Loyola University Chicago
    University of California, Irvine
    University of Colorado


    Rush Medical College
    Rosalind Franklin University

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