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MD Applicants

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  • simplesloth

  • Application cycles: 06/06/2015
  • Demographics: Male, 35, Caucasian
  • Home state: Texas
  • Last Active: 03/23/2019

// Applications //

Application Cycle One: 06/06/2015

  • Undergraduate college: State School
  • Undergraduate Area of study: Engineering/Technology
  • Total MCAT SCORE: 517
  • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 127, C/P 129, CARS 132  
  • Overall GPA: 3.50
  • Science GPA: 3.50

Summary of Application Experience

Schools not in the MDApplicants database:
1. UT Rio Grande Valley - No Secondary, Transmitted 10/15/15, Rejected

2. Dell Med/UTAustin - SR: 7/16/15, SS: 08/08/15; II: 10/12/15!; IA: 10/30/15; A: 11/30/15 So, so pumped for this one. I adore Austin, and I'm intrigued by their curriculum. Can't wait to check it out!

1 year preclinical, 1 year for research/population health project, and full access to everything that UT has to offer. Insane and totally loved it. Majorly hoping for good news from here!

ACCEPTED with a 1/4 scholarship!! Legit can't believe it. Love Dell's mission, the Duke-like curriculum, and the UT undergrad affiliation. I'm definitely going to take the necessary time to process my thoughts, options, and priorities, but I'm pretty sure this is my top choice at the moment. Matched here on February 1st.


Running List of Costs:
AMCAS Primary: $826
TMDSAS Primary: $140
Secondaries: $2180
San Antonio Interview (Hotel+Gas): $104
Texas Tech Interview (Hotel+Gas+Road Trip Sustenance): $160
Tulane Interview (Hotel + Gas+ Road Trip Sustenance): $220
Dell/UT Austin Interview (Gas + Large Coffees + Snackins): $60
Rochester Interview (Flight/Bags = 350, Cabs = 35, Food = 50, Hotel = 130): $565 (when I finally calculated this total, I died a little inside)
Sinai/Stony Brook Interviews (Flight/Bags = 330, Cabs = 70, Sinai Hotel = 120, Food = 60): $580
Total: $4835 *sob :'(

Applied, Withdrew

Albert Einstein of Yeshiva University

Application Complete

Columbia University
Medical College of Wisconsin
Brown University
University of Colorado
Saint Louis University

Application Complete, Rejected

University of Texas, Galveston
University of Texas, Houston
Texas Tech University, El Paso
University of Texas, Southwestern
Cornell University
University of Pittsburgh
Hofstra University
University of Southern California
Dartmouth College
New York University
University of California, San Francisco
University of Pennsylvania

Invited for Interview, Withdrew

Texas A & M University
SUNY Downstate

Attended Interview

Baylor College
SUNY Stony Brook

Attended Interview, Waitlisted

University of Rochester


Texas Tech University
Long School of Medicine - University of Texas Health Sciences Center, San Antonio
Tulane University
Mount Sinai School of Medicine

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