Brief Profile:
Hello and welcome to my arduous and anxiety-inducing journey through medical school applications.
In case you are curious, here is a short summary of my ECs:
Research: 3 years in orangutan behavior research with 1 year as paid assistant. Upcoming 2nd author pub, poster at national conference, presentation at regional conference w/ award and awards for posters at school contest. Work: 3 years working in campus library, 12 hours/week during school, one summer Music: flutist for many years, play in school's wind ensemble, orchestra, woodwind quintet and flute ensemble. Volunteering: ~100 hours hospital ED Shadowing: ~280 hours through pre-med internship program Writing: wrote novel, spend lots of time moderating writing website
// Applications //
Application Cycle One: 06/07/2015
Undergraduate college: Small Liberal Arts College
Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences