Brief Profile:
Here are some details regarding my application:
CA resident B.S. in Biology and a humanities minor sGPA: 3.9 cGPA: 3.9 MCAT: took the MCAT twice... first attempt was abysmal
Clinical Experience: -hospital internship where I rotated through different departments of the hospital to assist healthcare professionals - 600 hrs/1.5 years -involved with a premed organization that traveled to Central America and Africa to set up medical clinics in rural communities. Held two executive positions, including President one year. - 1200 hrs/3 yrs -volunteer at a local non-profit medical clinic - 150hrs/1 yr
Non-medical experience: -involved with a chemistry educational organization that performed chemistry experiments with elementary students - ~150hrs/3 yrs -organization for awareness of bone marrow donations (founder/president) - <100 hrs/1 yr
Work experience: -university tour guide - ~150 hrs/2 years -university tutor for biology courses (intro biochem, intro animal/plant diversity, genetics, etc.) - >1000 hrs/3 yrs
Research experience: -Tropical research on animal behavior in Central America ~100 hrs/3 months -Clinical, cardiology research at a nearby hospital ~300 hrs/1 yr
Awards -college honors for top 2% of graduating seniors -dean's list x 11 -award giving at the hospital internship x 2 -student leader award x 2
Other experiences: tropical biology study abroad program in Central America.
Other interests and hobbies.
// Applications //
Application Cycle One: 06/09/2013
Undergraduate college: Large public University
Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
Total MCAT SCORE: 472
MCAT Section Scores:
B/B 118,
C/P 118,
CARS 118
Overall GPA: 3.90
Science GPA: 3.90
Summary of Application Experience
Will update after this cycle! Stats have also been altered for identification purposes
ctenophora took the old MCAT and scored a 3 which is in the 0 percentile of all old scores.
We converted this to a 472 on the updated scale which is in the -1st percentile of the updated MCAT. We also converted ctenophora’s section scores as follows:
ctenophora scored a 1 on the Biological Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 118 on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems.
ctenophora scored a 1 on the Physical Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 118 on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems.
ctenophora scored a 1 on the Verbal Reasoning section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 118 on the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills.