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MD Applicants

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  • Application cycles: 2013
  • Demographics: Male, 33, Caucasian
  • Home state: Quebec
  • Last Active: 04/12/2014

// Applications //

Application Cycle One: 2013

  • Undergraduate college: McGill University
  • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
  • Total MCAT SCORE: 517
  • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 129, C/P 129, CARS 130  
  • Overall GPA: 3.71
  • Science GPA: 3.65

Summary of Application Experience

Transcript GPA: 3.71
AMCAS cGPA: 3.70, BCPM GPA: 3.59
OMSAS cGPA: 3.73


- Extensive experience working with often-neglected areas of society:
i) HIV/AIDS prevention and harm reduction work among street youth and intravenous drug users;
ii) Several years of teaching swimming lessons for children with special needs
iii) Experience facilitating workshops dealing with issues of gender, sexuality and sexual assault to first-year university students;
- A year of experience as a Medical First Responder for large events (>20,000 people);
- Assisted developing an innovative project to address a need for increased sexual education for high schools;
- Several years of research experience (including a publication);
- Served as President and (previously) Executive Committee Member of a cancer research fund at school;
- Worked part time (15-20 hours per week), throughout the past 5 years of school;
- Student representative at the Faculty of Science (discussed program/changes, student standing, university affairs, etc.);
- Hospital volunteering;
- Fluent in three languages (one of which was learnt in the past year and a half), currently working on a fourth (Mandarin);
- Various cultural and artistic endeavours, including a contribution to an undergraduate journal.


Submitted an update letter to American schools on Jan. 18th, 2014.

Application Complete, Rejected

Universite de Sherbrooke
Columbia University
Brown University
University of Pittsburgh
Albert Einstein of Yeshiva University
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Tufts University
Jefferson Medical College
University of Chicago
Cornell University
New York University
Northwestern University
University of Western Ontario
University of Toronto
McMaster University

Invited for Interview, Withdrew

Universite de Montreal
Dartmouth College
George Washington University

Attended Interview, Rejected

Dalhousie University

Attended Interview, Withdrew

Queen's University


McGill University
Boston University

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