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MD Applicants

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  • xffan624

  • Application cycles: 06/25/2012
  • Demographics: Female, 41, Caucasian
  • Home state: Florida
  • Last Active: 03/29/2013

// Applications //

Application Cycle One: 06/25/2012

  • Undergraduate college: Emory University
  • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
  • Institution: George Washington University
  • Area of Study: Biological/Life Sciences
  • Degree Obtained: MSPH
  • Total MCAT SCORE: 516
  • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 129, C/P 128, CARS 130  
  • Overall GPA: 3.34
  • Science GPA: 2.99

Summary of Application Experience

5 years as a medical service corps officer in the U.S. Army. Deployed to southern Iraq from 2009-2010. Worked at military hospital as Chief of Environmental Health.

Worked as laboratory technician in diagnostic laboratory (6 months). Worked at Centers for Disease Control as work study student in undergrad (2 years). Long term involvement and leadership positions in several clubs. Volunteering includes American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, homeless shelter and Afterschool center for at-risk kids in housing project.


Texas Tech University, El Paso
Texas Tech University

Application Complete

Florida International University
University of Miami
Florida State University

Application Complete, Rejected

University of Texas, Galveston
Long School of Medicine - University of Texas Health Sciences Center, San Antonio
Virginia Commonwealth University
Georgetown University
George Washington University
University of Central Florida
University of Virginia

Invited for Interview, Withdrew

Florida Atlantic University
Virginia Tech Carilion

Attended Interview, Rejected

Eastern Virginia Medical School
University of Arizona

Attended Interview, Waitlisted

University of Florida


University of South Florida

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