Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
Total MCAT SCORE: 520
MCAT Section Scores:
B/B 130,
C/P 128,
CARS 132
Overall GPA: 4.00
Science GPA: 4.00
Summary of Application Experience
I think I got pretty lucky, considering how late I turned in all my applications, and I think that my stats otherwise helped me get interviews. [example: I finished the Ohio State secondary the night it was due, but ended up getting in anyway, probably at least partly because of luck]. It all worked out in the end, but I would definitely advise people to apply much earlier than I did. Also, I started with a list of about 40 schools that I kept trying to narrow down, but another piece of advice would be to not worry about that when completing the AMCAS app and just apply to as many schools as you want, since you never know which secondaries will be easier to complete, etc, and that first step is the cheapest ($34/school) anyway. [example: I had both UCSD and UCSF on my list of possibles, but decided that as an OOS student, I'd only apply to one cali school to not waste money. Should have just applied to both, and then figured out that UCSF secondary was easier than UCSD and then just applied to UCSF.] Another side effect of procrastinating on applications and turning in secondaries late: almost all my interviews were within a two week time span, meaning six interviews, six cities, 10k+ miles traveled in less than two weeks. It was insane. The one plus side to this was that I was never out of practice for interviews. But stressful, especially when you're still in school.
Applied, Rejected
University of Washington
Applying for combined PhD/MSTP? No
Submitted: Yes
Secondary Completed: No
Interview Invite: No
Interview Attended: No
Waitlisted: No
Accepted: No
Rejected: Yes
Summary of Experience:
not part of wwami, didn't even get a secondary. :(
Summary of Experience:
wasn't a fan of the secondary, sad i didn't even get a chance to interview. note to everyone else: apply to UCSF instead, their secondary is much better/easier.
Summary of Experience:
Found out that the curriculum was more traditional than most other schools, including the fact that only the first year is pass/fail. The dorms there are okay and are conveniently located inside one of the main med buildings though.
Summary of Experience:
One of my top two schools. Having Texas Medical Center there is a huge plus, as is the lower cost tuition and how good this school is. Was waitlisted then rejected finally in July.
Summary of Experience:
Nice facilities, but hate the fact that it's in the middle of downtown and any hospital is a couple of miles away. UA Tucson is better in every way (except the new classrooms, etc, which is manageable), so when I got waitlisted here after getting accepted at UA Tucson, I immediately withdrew.
Summary of Experience:
Great location for the med school, loved the facilities, but really expensive. Probably wouldn't go if accepted. Update: accepted off waitlist July 9th, but I've already finished all the stuff I need to do for Ohio State, and I've already fallen in love with it... Definitely much more expensive than Ohio State, and living in Chicago would be much more expensive than living in Columbus.
Summary of Experience:
One of my top two! So excited to be accepted, and will more than likely be matriculating here! Also was offered a scholarship for half tuition, so at that point it was cheaper than my not as good state school anyway. #gobuckeyes
awildcat took the old MCAT and scored a 37 which is in the 98th percentile of all old scores.
We converted this to a 520 on the updated scale which is in the 98th percentile of the updated MCAT. We also converted awildcat’s section scores as follows:
awildcat scored a 12 on the Biological Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 130 on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems.
awildcat scored a 11 on the Physical Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 128 on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems.
awildcat scored a 14 on the Verbal Reasoning section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 132 on the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills.