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MD Applicants

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  • creatingmyreality

  • Application cycles: 07/14/2013
  • Demographics: Male, 37, East Asian
  • Home state: California
  • Last Active: 06/01/2014

// Applications //

Application Cycle One: 07/14/2013

  • Undergraduate college: University of California, Davis
  • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
  • Total MCAT SCORE: 517
  • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 130, C/P 130, CARS 127  
  • Overall GPA: 2.76
  • Science GPA: 2.66

Summary of Application Experience

I graduated from a University of California with a horrible GPA, wanted to go to med school, and went for it.
It was a very difficult decision considering how many "stellar students" will look down on you and discourage you (even advisors). But there were those valuable few who were frank yet supportive, telling me that you have slim chances, but if you want it enough, you can get there. Posting my story because many others in my position have helped guide encourage me and I want to give back. I don't even know if I'll receive an interview, but I'll be updating!

Steps taken:
1. Received a research position in a surgical department, worked there for 2 years. Led to 2 publications, 2 more manuscripts currently in submission, an abstract presented at a conference, and lots and lots of shadowing hours.
2. Took MCAT first because if I did not do well, I was REALLY in a hole and should realistically adjust my pursuit.
3. Took a year of post-bacc classes. Only 30 units because I was still working at my research position.
4. Got strong LORs and wrote a very personal PS.

So let's see how this plays out... I applied to about 40+ MD schools and 16 DO schools so I'm not going to list them all... I'll list the ones I receive updates from.

Application Complete

University of Cincinnati
The Commonwealth Medical College
Michigan State University
Rosalind Franklin University
Tulane University
Albany Medical College
Cooper School of Rowan University
University of Illinois
Ohio State University
Pennsylvania State University
Tufts University
University of Central Florida
Morehouse School of Medicine
Philadelphia College - Atlanta
Philadelphia College - Philadelphia
UMDNJ - Osteopathic Medicine
Western University of Health Sciences
Touro University - Mare Island
Touro University - Henderson

Application Complete, Rejected

Boston University

Attended Interview, Waitlisted

Drexel University
Arizona College of Mid. University

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