OTHER SCHOOLS APPLIED TO NOT ON LIST: >>The Commonwealth Medical College (TCMC): Submitted 9/10/12; SR: 9/10/12; SC 9/13/12; C: 9/25/12 sent for screening (Student Info System Status Update); R: 10/9/12 post-secondary
8/28/12: Excited that TMDSAS transmitted my application to schools after receiving payment 8/24/12. They are much faster than all the other applications; especially, if everything is in order. I submitted 8/15/12 and it is already processed.
9/5/12: I am depressed. My MCAT 22Q is not good. I studied intensely for 6 months out of a year (light 6 months) and I need help and a prep course is severely needed. I can't do it alone. Standardized tests do not play nice with me, but I will make them play nice. LOL!
9/7/12: I am disappointed in my score after all the work I put into it; however, I did make a leap from my initial try, so that is an accomplishment. I have decided to continue the application cycle since I have already invested into it. However, I am saving up to take a princeton review course early next year to prepare for my next MCAT and reapply because I am determined. I will keep my fingers crossed but I will prepare for Plan B!
9/21/12: AACOMAS finally verified! Now waiting for the release.
10/28/12: I've applied to my last 3 MD schools of the season. I used the school specific threads on SDN to get rid of 6+ schools based on screening or schools stating minimum cut-offs. I am happy with the last 3 I added and would definitely attend. I am trying to remain calm throughout this process because it is very long. Now, I can get back to completing DO secondaries & paying for fees since I will be getting paid again.
11/14/12: I was told the day before by the Adcom to check my e-mail after 4 pm for status update (i.e., hold, rejected, or accepted) and I checked it a couple times without any news. Around 4:29 pm CST, I saw the e-mail with subject: "Congratulations..." and I knew I was accepted. Of course I briefly skimmed e-mail and checked online status portal to make sure, and the portal reconfirmed what the e-mail said. I am officially on my way to become a doctor. Class of 2017 here I come. Everything I have worked for has culminated to this very moment. I cried a little the day after because I realized that I had pulled myself up by the bootstraps through all the adversity and MADE IT! I am very blessed and my path has been chosen by God!! This is the path he wants me to be on.l
11/18/12: Withdrew from several schools (2 MDs + all DOs). In the grand scheme of things, my state school is cheaper than these options, and it may be a better program (bias) compared to the others not considering costs.
12/10/12: Still waiting on invite/reject decisions from 14 schools (TX included) and UTMB's decision! I have decided to look for scholarships too, so that I can cut down on debt. I have enough undergrad debt already.
12/29/12: 2013 is fast approaching and I am waiting on 12 decisions to complete my application cycle and UTMB's decision. I am DOUBTFUL that I will hear anything from the remaining TX schools because they pretty much stopped interviewing/offering invites in December. Oh well...UTMB seems like a better school among my choices, but I may be bias :p. I'm surprised I haven't heard anything out some schools I have been complete at since Sept/Oct. This process is ANXIETY-PROVOKING whether you have an acceptance or not.
1/25/13: Received a pleasant surprise in the mail today. AWESOME A PARTIAL TUITION SCHOLARSHIP THAT COVERS SLIGHTLY MORE THAN 25% OF MY TUITION! OH YEAH. RAISE THE ROOF!!! There is a 5 year commitment which I am debating (I know y'all think I'm crazy) because I had different plans for my life but I'm thankful because it is FREE MONEY! I have a month to weight PROS AND CONS!
2/1/13: At this point, I have been rejected from all SUPER REACH schools and have received the nail to my heart--a waitlist from UTMB. At least it isn't a right out rejection but it doesn't change the feelings either way. I can stop worrying about trying to win them over at this point because they DO NOT ACCEPT UPDATE MATERIAL! It's out of my hands. Wherever GOD wants me that is where I will end up!
2/17/13: Scholarship Decision Deadline approaching. I need to make a choice. I am almost done deciding on it. Also, I have sent off my 2 apps for the external scholarships I applied for. Revisit Day invite coming up in March for Ole Miss Med Ctr. Also, Dr. Thomas was receptive to LOI to UTMB and told me to stay in touch with Mrs. Silva over the next few months as people withdraw. *Fingers crossed!!!*
3/17/13: I consider myself silently rejected from the following schools; although, I feel they want me to believe that I still have a chance: Howard, Morehouse, Wright, and Temple. In other news: I went ahead and accepted the partial tuition scholarship. The fiscal cliff and sequestration is very concerning, so I need to make some financially sound decisions. Good things are here today and gone tomorrow. Also, I didn't get the honor society scholarsip I applied for back in January, but I am waiting on the other external scholarship decision ($5000/yr x4).
8/3/13: Matriculating at U of Mississippi SOM. My scholarship was increased to over $10,000/yr. I didn't receive the other 2 external scholarships I applied for, but I will reapply.
Applied, Rejected
University of Illinois
Applying for combined PhD/MSTP? No
Submitted: 09/09/2012
Secondary Completed: No
Interview Invite: No
Interview Attended: No
Waitlisted: No
Accepted: No
Rejected: 09/13/2012
Summary of Experience:
R: 9/14/12; REJECTED PRE-SECONDARY by status page. I had to call to figure out what \"Process Complete - Contact College Admissions at 312-996-5635 for Further Information\" meant. I REJECT YOU! THEY\'RE MISSING OUT ON A GREAT APPLICANT WHETHER I HAVE THE STATS OR NOT! What a waste of a FAP spot.
Summary of Experience:
9/27/12: no word yet; 10/1/12: submitted LORs in case they need those to send me a secondary first. 10/11/12: E-mailed Admissions Coordinator for status update since I haven't heard anything. Pray I am still int the running! 10/21/12: emailed Dr. Calmes and she responded and forward e-mail to admissions. W: 11/19/12
Summary of Experience:
10/5/12: LECOM-B placed me on hold because I don't meet their minimum MCAT limits. I plan to withdraw next week. Why should I waste my cash if they do decide to send the secondary?; W: 10/15/12 didn't hear anything from them so I withdrew by e-mail/no reply yet on it/I'll call to confirm next week. Sent e-mail response next day.
Summary of Experience:
SR: 10/5/12; W:11/19/12 never gather letters or completed secodnary to make myself complete because I was burnt out and wanted to wait on my MD decision first. It cost me a lot more money to apply the DO route. In the end, I would go if I didn't receive an acceptance at an MD program because they have a nice MS in research I had interested in; thus, my reasons for considering them in the first place along with the other DO schools.
Summary of Experience:
SR: 9/7/12; Secondary Fee $75; SC: 9/17/12 (mailed/signature confirmation); C: 9/27/12; R: 7/24/13 Sometime in late July. Yeah I know. They even screwed up the emailed letter and said, "they regret to inform me I was accepted". Then sent another email apologizing for the mistake. Unprofessional. Of course, they should have sent me something in May after the May 15th deadline if not way before. Ha!
Summary of Experience:
Called 9/17/12 and still under review; 9/28/12: Sent LORs in case they need those to grant secondary. SR:10/4/12 sent e-mail to Director Hunter yesterday, he replied today and sent secondary link. Thanks Director!; SC:10/8/12; C:10/10/12; R:3/22/13 finally rejected after waiting almost the entire application cycle. I was lead on to believe I had a chance but I guess I wasn't a good fit for this program. Honestly I don't think I would have chosen it over my acceptance anyway.
Summary of Experience:
T: 8/28/12; SR: 9/7/12; SC: 9/11/12; Secondary Fee $60 C:~9/25/12 Under Review; 12/19/12: E-mailed Dean of Admissions LOI and was told OOS slots were filled. Probably will get rejected but I will wait for them to release my application, just in case OOSers decline offers/IIs. Wishful thinking! R:1/23/13 oh we'll. college station is not a great city.
Summary of Experience:
SR: 8/24/12; SC: 8/28/12; C:10/1/12; R: 11/6/12 Rejected pre-interview from UP/ 2nd choice school after JHU. You lose some you lose some. LOL! If I need to reapply in the future,then I will.
Summary of Experience:
SR: 8/24/12; SC: 8/28/12; C: 10/1/12; R: 11/15/12 rejected pre-interview while out of town for UTMB interview. It sucks because I have loved Case since my ABRCMS meeting in 2007, but I expected. Maybe residency.
Summary of Experience:
SR: 8/24/12; SS: 9/6/12; C: 10/12/12 but received email 10/19; R: 12/20/12 My first choice rejected me. Oh well...maybe residency/fellowhship! I had to at least try.
Summary of Experience:
SR: 9/21/12 (screened applicants); SC: 9/27/12, maile/d in Fee Waiver; C: 10/8/12; R: 3/8/13 official rejection after I had emailed and was told I may be sorted in to possible interview pile back in February. Oh Well!
Summary of Experience:
SR:10/1/12; SC: 10/1/12 pretty simple/no essays/submitted LORs; C:10/2/12; R: 10/24/12 pre-interview rejection; they had sent me a beautiful brochure the week before when I thought it was a rejection letter!
Summary of Experience:
Couldn't resist applying! I'll never know if I don't take a chance! SR: 10/1/12; SC: 10/1/12 pretty simple secondary/recycled response with minor changes to appeal to Pitt Med's mission; C:10/2/12 under review; R: 11/28/12 could see myself here if ever granted an interview or acceptance. Nice PSTP research program for which I had interest. Oh well!
Summary of Experience:
Couldn't resist applying! I'll never know if I don't take a chance! SR:10/1/12; SC:10/1/12 short to complete especially because I enjoyed it.; C: 10/3/12 under review; 10/30/12 received an update e-mail indicating they are still reviewing and they can't give specifics for my application. "Thanks...I guess": R:1/29/13
Summary of Experience:
10/1/12: Must pass screening before secondary is sent! Sent LORs to help my case. Under Review; SR:10/3/12 I passed the screening processing; SC: 10/22/12 will have to e-mail photo; C: 10/22/12; 12/6/12: under review; 12/13/12: Rejected post-secondary
Summary of Experience:
SR: 11/5/12; SS: 11/6/2012 should be complete here but I will wait on official e-mail or check the status to determine status.; 12/12/12: They still haven't uploaded/accessed my LORs to the portal. I called and had to leave a vmail. I will either call back or email admissions to see why they haven't downloaded LORs before the 12/15 deadline. C: 12/16/12 after calling before deadline to check on LOR download. R: 1/18/13 Oh well they were expensive too but I had interest in there research opportunities.
Summary of Experience:
SR: 10/31/12; SS: 11/11/12 before my interviews; C: 11/11/12 under review; R: 4/26/13 the long awaited rejection email! Some of these schools should be ashame of themselves for taking as long as they do to reach a decision especially when they know they will reject the candidate automatically. They should have automatic screens in place instead if false hope. LAME!!!!!
Summary of Experience:
SR: 10/31/12; SS: 10/31/12 have to mail in fee waiver request; C: 11/27/12 they sent me an e-mail regarding one of my LORs telling me to call them. When I did, they thought I needed a LOR from my grad program but I was never enrolled in such a program. Very weird, but now I am officially complete. R:1/15/13 too expensive anyway
Summary of Experience:
T: 8/28/12; SR: 8/29/12; SC: 9/6/12; No Fee; 10/11/12: E-mailed admissions for status update because they don't add anything to the portal. 10/12/12: Received email indicating app in Admissions Review Stage; W: 11/19/12
Summary of Experience:
SR: 9/17/12 (they screen according to MSAR/but not on their website??); SC: 9/18/12; C: 9/26/12 Under review; W: 2/1/13 I decided to withdraw today because they had changed my status and I knew they wouldn't give me a chance given I didn't meet their minimum MCAT. Oh well there lost.
Summary of Experience:
SR:9/18/12; SC: 9/20/12: C:9/27/12; W: 11/19/12 withdrew due to cost of OOS tuition if lucky enough to get an interview or acceptance.
Summary of Experience:
T: 8/28/12; no secondary; II: 9/26/12 First MD/DO for 11/16/12; IA: 11/16/12 This school is amazing (i.e. facilities, Adcom staff, location, opportunities, and staff). They told us at our orientation breakfast not to worry about stats because if were present then we passed those screens. The interviews were to learn more about us and I found both interviews very stress-free and conversational. UTMB has moved to the top of my list. I would prefer attending here over my other acceptance. IT FELT LIKE A GOOD FIT and that is all that matters! I am in a different pool as an OOS so I have prayed for 1 of the 23 spots. Hoping for good news sooner rather than later!; WL: 2/1/13 This sucks! Right on the Texas Match Day! I really liked this school, but if I don't come off their "unranked alternate list" by the time I sign a lease on an apartment for my other option then I will call and withdraw. I'm use to not getting what I want, so I guess this isn't any different. Oh well...SIGH!!
***Update: (8/3/13) I still haven't heard from them after several update an a LOR from my supervisor. I need to officially withdraw.***
Summary of Experience:
SR: 8/17/12; SC: 8/17/12; have to send official transcripts (OT) to their registrar's office;Update: OT Received 8/29/12; C: 9/10/12 (less than month turn around for complete e-mail); II: 10/29/12 for Nov. 13th.; IA: 11/13/12 I definitely learned some new things about this school that I didn't know. 3 interviews were conversational and stress free; A: 11/14/12 Beyond excited to get the acceptance. A weight of worries have been lifted off my shoulder and now I can take the rest of the cycle easy. I still plan to go to any other interviews if affordable and given opportunity. Like they say, you only need one and I got it. Class of 2017! BOOM! 1/25/13: PARTIAL TUITION SCHOLARSHIP!!!!! ALRIGHT!; 2/17/13: Revisit Day invite for March 7-9th. I still need to make a decision on the scholarship too by the 24th.
GonnaMakeIt took the old MCAT and scored a 22 which is in the 32th percentile of all old scores.
We converted this to a 495 on the updated scale which is in the 33th percentile of the updated MCAT. We also converted GonnaMakeIt’s section scores as follows:
GonnaMakeIt scored a 9 on the Biological Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 125 on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems.
GonnaMakeIt scored a 6 on the Physical Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 122 on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems.
GonnaMakeIt scored a 7 on the Verbal Reasoning section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 123 on the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills.