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MD Applicants

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  • energydrink

  • Application cycles: 06/19/2012
  • Demographics: Male, 38, Caucasian
  • Home state: Pennsylvania
  • Last Active: 10/16/2012
  • Brief Profile:

    Applying to D.O and M.D. Schools

    25 y.o male Caucasian, graduated in 2009 with a BS in Microbiology from Penn State

    Did poorly as an undergraduate and I\'m trying very hard to make up for it

    Undergraduate GPA: 2.91
    Graduate GPA: 3.89
    Total GPA: 3.04

    MCAT: 32N
    V10 P12 B10

    Extra-Curricular Activities


    Long Term Survival of Streptococcus pyogenes biofilms (2500 Hours)

    For my M.S. thesis, I investigated the survival of S. pyogenes biofilms. I created and designed several hypotheses and worked mostly independently on this project. My advisor is impressed with my research and my conclusions, and admitted that I\'m starting to know the field better than her because I\'m up-to-date on my literature. We\'re hoping to get published. I\'m a 2nd author on a submitted paper being reviewed. I presented my research at 1 conference and 2 posters.
    I also have 2 semesters of undergraduate research which is pretty insignificant.


    Shadowing (30 hours)

    Shadowed two doctors. Chief of Rheumatology and an Infectious Disease doctor who ran an HIV clinic


    2011-Present: Emergency Medical Services, EMT (100 hours)

    Volunteer on my local non-profit emergency ambulance corp (Sub-urban/Urban).

    2006-Present: Firefighter/Rescuer/EMT (4000+ hours)

    Volunteer Firefighter for local fire department. I have about 500 hours of certifications. I have advanced certification in vehicle rescue, hazmat, swiftwater/marine rescue, ropes, & high angle rescue. I\'m also a licensed EMT, which makes me a bit of a \"hybrid\". I was promoted to a Lieutenant in 2011, which puts me directly in charge of a team of 3-6 people on a scene.

    2007-Present: Fire Board Director/Fire Administrator (500 hours)

    I\'m an elected Fire Board director, and chair of fire prevention, open house, and banquet hall committees. We have an annual budget of $600,000, and in the midst of a 2 million dollar renovation which helps bring ALS support to our fire district.

    2009: Teaching Assistant (8hours/week)

    Teaching assistant for a 100 level course in the Spring, and a 400 level course in the fall

    2004-Present: Web Forum Administrator

    I\'m an assistant administrator on a Top 15 web-based forum.

    Work Experience

    2010-Present: Huntington Learning Center (8 hours/week)

    Math and Science tutor on the weekends.

    1999-2010: Garden Center Assistant Manager

    This is my family business. I worked a lot in junior high/high school, then worked when I could during college to help pay for it. I\'ll still do a weekend or a few days when the season it busy

    Letters of Recommendation

    I am using Interfolio to collect my LOR\'s.

    Senior Lecturer in Microbiology, Undergraduate

    I took a lot of courses with him, and he became a good friend. We kept in contact after I graduated, and he was thrilled to write me a letter. I was a TA for him, and I did 2 research projects for one of his classes (1 required and 1 extra). I also helped him for a science camp that he runs.

    Medical School Block Director, Microbiology Professor, Research Mentor

    M.S. thesis advisor. She can be frustrated when she\'s busy, but she likes me overall and loves my research. She\'ll write me a great letter.

    Senior Professor of Microbiology, Medical School

    I did very well in her classes, and talked to her a lot afterwards. I did a graduate student seminar with her on a very tough paper that was way out of my comfort zone, and she thought I was outstanding. When I asked her to write, she was delighted but said she\'s disappointed I wasn\'t staying.

    Fire Chief

    He\'s known me for 7 years, and is practically a great friend. He\'s a high school teacher and president of various state-wide institutions.

  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/19/2012

    • Undergraduate college: The Pennsylvania State University
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Institution: Temple University School of Medicine
    • Area of Study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Degree Obtained: M.S.
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 513
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 127, C/P 129, CARS 127  
    • Overall GPA: 3.04
    • Science GPA: 3.03

    Summary of Application Experience

    Applying to DO and MD schools

    Applied, Withdrew

    Michigan State University (DO)
    Georgetown University

    Application Complete

    University of New England
    New York College of New York Tech.
    Jefferson Medical College
    Pennsylvania State University
    Temple University
    George Washington University
    Philadelphia College - Philadelphia

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Drexel University

    Invited for Interview

    Lake Erie College - Erie

    Attended Interview

    The Commonwealth Medical College
    UMDNJ - Osteopathic Medicine

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