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MD Applicants

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  • homer1986

  • Application cycles: 06/14/2011
  • Demographics: Male, 38, Caucasian
  • Home state: Ohio
  • Brief Profile: Hi, all,

    My immaturity, bad planning, and disorganization during college has probably doomed me for this cycle. I\'ve grown up tremendously since then. You only live life once, so I\'m applying to medical school and seeing what happens.

    In college, I earned two degrees in four years (molecular biology and linguistics). I worked three jobs in college (yay no debt!): dishwasher, research lab, TA). After college, I became a high school teacher through Teach for America and have stayed on for a third year. It has been wonderful.

    Here are my EC\'s

    -I\'m in Teach For America teaching high school science in Baltimore (teaching for a 3rd year to finish up with my kids till they graduate)
    -Graduated with distinction
    -I worked for a research lab for 3 years, completing a senior thesis, got 3 grants for $12,000 in total, had two posters
    -Shadowing experience ~100 hours
    -Volunteered at a clinic for two years
    -raised $5000 for a free clinic by bicycling across the country
    -Volunteer tutor with big brothers/big sisters for a year
    -TA\'ed an upper level science course
    -Internship for an NGO (water supply work, tiny bit of health education) in Ghana for a summer
    -study abroad
    -I worked 15 hours a week during college as a dishwasher (I put this on the app, but I\'m not sure it is for the best)
    -I didn\'t put this on my apps (but, I think I could talk about this during my interviews): Travel. I\'ve spent months in Mongolia, have taken the trans-siberian railway from Beijing to Poland, Ghana, Tibet, have trekked the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal (a hundred mile trek through the Himalayas), have ridden the rails across India, bicycled self-supported across america. Who says you can\'t live a great life on a teacher\'s salary :)

    Good luck to everyone in this cycle. It\'s such a expensive, emotionally challenging, and difficult process.
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/14/2011

    • Undergraduate college: University of Maryland
    • Undergraduate Area of study: History/Humanities
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 513
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 130, C/P 127, CARS 127  
    • Overall GPA: 3.39
    • Science GPA: 3.15

    Application Complete

    Ohio State University
    Wright State University
    University of Toledo
    University of Illinois
    Hofstra University
    Drexel University
    Saint Louis University
    Virginia Tech Carilion
    Temple University

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Oakland University
    Medical College of Wisconsin
    Rosalind Franklin University

    Invited for Interview

    Tulane University

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