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MD Applicants

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  • cactuscake

  • Application cycles: 06/14/2011
  • Demographics: Male, 47, South Asian
  • Home state: Arizona
  • Last Active: 06/27/2013
  • Brief Profile: About Me:
    I am a non-trad first time applicant. I had no intentions of going to med school when I graduated college, but life events along the way have led me to this point. Life experience has also made it easier to write a PS and answer all the secondary essay questions.

    5/16 Update: Now that the application cycle is over, I am posting my real demographic, stats, and EC\\\'s in hopes of helping other non-traditional applicants. I went back to school while working part-time to complete a DIY post-bac over 2 years.

    Post-Baccalaureate College: Arizona State University
    Went back to school for five semesters. During this time, I also worked about 20 hours per week.
    Semester 1: Gen Chem I + lab, Physics I + lab, Bio I + lab
    Semester 2: Gen Chem II + lab, Physics II + lab, Bio II + lab
    Semester 3: OChem I + lab, Cell Bio, Physiology, Physics Research
    Semester 4: OChem II + lab, MCAT study, doc shadowing
    Semester 5: BioChem

    Extra Curriculars:
    - 3 years hospital volunteer in Renal/Diabetic unit
    - 4 months therapy dog volunteer
    - 1 year of research with health physics research related to X-ray body scanners (no pubs)
    - Overseas work experience in Japan (6 months)
    - 8 years work experience in the Healthcare IT industry
    - 3 years running my own consulting firm
    - Shadowed 2 family practice MD\\\'s and 1 cardiologist NP

    LOR\\\'s Submitted:
    - Physics professor (also research mentor)
    - Chemistry professor
    - CIO of hospital in Midwest
    - Former manager at a Healthcare IT company
    - Family physician (shadowed for 2 months)
    - Nurse manager at hospital where I volunteered

    MCAT experience:
  • Studied for about 5 months using EK and EK1001 for everything except OChem (I was taking OChem II at the time and couldn\\\'t bring myself to do even more OChem problems). Also used TPR for verbal.

  • In hindsight, I probably should have studied OChem but I still scored >90% on BS so it\\\'s all good

  • VR was the toughest section for me. In the end, I settled on a custom blend of EK and TPR techniques. There is no way I could have done everything that TPR asked (ranking passages, determining question types, etc), so I just picked the ones I thought worked for me and only used those. Settled on a technique using trial & error and in the end, only raised my VR score by 1 point.

  • Took all AAMC FL\\\'s available. Did every one at the school library at a cubicle with ear plugs. I tried to simulate test day as much as possible.

  • I did not take a prep course. If you are a self-directed learner and well disciplined then save your money. I basically did not want to pay someone to tell me what I already knew I needed to do. This entire process is already expensive.

  • Took test on 4/29/2011, walked out feeling like I bombed it. IMO, the real test was way, way, way harder than any of the practice ones. For example, I regularly had time left to review answers on the practice FL\\\'s. This was not the case on the real thing. The passages were longer and questions were more difficult. So keep that in mind.

  • Rec\\\'d score on 6/1/2011 and was ecstatic considering how crappy I felt. Waiting for the score release was probably the longest month of mental torture that I have had so far.

  • Celebrated with a limo and a night out on the town the day scores were released. Have to celebrate the victories along the way!

  • Motivational Quote from my Physics Professor (and research mentor):
    \\\"You\\\'ve got a good chance at getting in, just don\\\'t screw up the MCAT!\\\"

    // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/14/2011

    • Undergraduate college: University of Kansas
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Engineering/Technology
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 516
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 130, C/P 129, CARS 127  
    • Overall GPA: 3.81
    • Science GPA: 3.91

    Applied, Rejected

    University of California, San Francisco

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Yale University
    Stanford University
    University of Miami
    Rush Medical College
    Harvard University
    Jefferson Medical College
    New York Medical College
    Cornell University
    Duke University
    George Washington University
    New York University
    University of California, San Diego
    University of Southern California
    Emory University
    Columbia University
    Drexel University
    Mayo Medical School
    Dartmouth College
    University of Pennsylvania
    Northwestern University
    Wake Forest University
    University of North Carolina

    Attended Interview, Rejected

    Georgetown University
    Indiana University
    University of Arizona - Phoenix

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted

    Saint Louis University
    Boston University
    University of Chicago

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted, Withdrew

    University of Kansas


    University of Arizona

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