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MD Applicants

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  • Application cycles: 06/30/2010
  • Demographics: Male, 37, East Asian
  • Home state: Maryland
  • Last Active: 06/22/2011
  • Brief Profile: For future applicants with similar GPA/MCAT

    The basics - volunteering, research, clinical exposure.
    Had 2 pubs being submitted at the time of application.
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/30/2010

    • Undergraduate college: Johns Hopkins University
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 517
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 130, C/P 129, CARS 129  
    • Overall GPA: 3.53
    • Science GPA: 3.50

    Summary of Application Experience

    Definitely apply broadly. Some \"higher\" (according to USNews) ranked schools like Case and OSU gave me invites while other \"lower\" ranked ones like Drexel rejected me pre-interview. When picking schools, don\'t sell yourself too short and don\'t be overly confident either. Also, you\'ll never know which schools you might end up loving. If you have the luxury, attend all your interviews and really give each school a chance for them to show you what they\'re all about.

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Boston University
    Drexel University
    Georgetown University
    Jefferson Medical College
    Temple University
    Tufts University
    Tulane University
    University of Cincinnati
    University of Toledo
    University of Vermont
    Medical College of Wisconsin
    Wayne State University

    Invited for Interview, Withdrew

    Albany Medical College
    Eastern Virginia Medical School
    Ohio State University

    Attended Interview, Withdrew

    Virginia Tech Carilion

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted

    Albert Einstein of Yeshiva University
    New York Medical College
    Pennsylvania State University
    University of Maryland

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted, Rejected

    Case Western Reserve University

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted, Withdrew

    George Washington University
    The Commonwealth Medical College

    Accepted off Waitlist

    SUNY Buffalo


    SUNY Downstate
    Virginia Commonwealth University

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