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MD Applicants

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  • tsiana

  • Application cycles: 06/05/2011
  • Demographics: Female, 34, East Asian
  • Home state: Unknown
  • Last Active: 03/17/2012
  • Brief Profile: Canadian.
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/05/2011

    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 525
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 132, C/P 132, CARS 132  
    • Overall GPA: 3.97
    • Science GPA: 4.00

    Summary of Application Experience

    Communications and Submissions

    6/6/2011 - submitted AMCAS
    6/14/2011 - AMCAS verified
    6/17/2011 - First secondary received! Cornell.
    6/20/2011 - WashU secondary opened. Submitted. $65
    6/21/2011 - Mayo secondary fee request, submitted. $100. Cornell Submitted. $75.
    6/22/2011 - Chicago and Yale secondaries received. Moar essays!
    6/24/2011 - Pittsburgh secondary received.
    6/25/2011 - Yale secondary submitted. 85$
    6/30/2011 - Columbia secondary received. Mt. Sinai questions received.
    7/1/2011 - UVA secondary received. Mayo references requested.
    7/2/2011 - Duke secondary received? Website is still bad.
    7/3/2011 - Pittsburgh secondary submitted. 85$
    7/5/2011 - Johns Hopkins and Emory secondaries received.
    7/7/2011 - UPenn and Stanford secondaries received. Columbia submitted. 85$
    7/8/2011 - UCSF secondary received.
    7/10/2011 - UVA submitted. 80$.
    7/11/2011 - UCSF submitted. 80$?. Chicago submitted. 75$
    7/13/2011 - Case Western secondary received.
    7/16/2011 - Penn submitted. 80$
    7/18/2011 - Stanford submitted. 85$
    7/20/2011 - Mt Sinai secondary received
    7/26/2011 - Northwestern received.
    7/28/2011 - Harvard received.
    7/29/2011 - Emory submitted 100$
    7/29/2011 - Vanderbilt secondary and interview invite received.
    8/4/2011 - Johns Hopkins submitted 100$. Also: AMCAS receives Letters of Rec so application is complete for schools with submitted secondaries up to this point.
    8/6/2011 - Pittsburgh interview invite
    8/15/2011 - UVA interview invite. Mt. Sinai secondary submitted. 105$
    8/18/2011 - Mt. Sinai interview invite. Duke secondary submitted!!! 85$
    8/24/2011 - Harvard submitted!!! 85$
    8/28/2011 - Mayo interview invite.
    8/30/2011 - Slowing down on secondaries :( - but Stanford interview invite!
    9/1/2011 - Cornell invite.
    9/2/2011 - Case Western submitted. 85$
    9/3/2011 - Vanderbilt submitted. 50$
    9/7/2011 - Duke and WashU interview invites.
    9/8/2011 - Penn and Yale interview invites.
    9/11/2011 - Northwestern submitted 85$ ----!secondaries complete!------
    9/15/2011 - Submitted Canadian applications! ----!applications complete!----
    9/22/2011 - Northwestern Feinberg interview invite.
    10/4/2011 - Columbia interview invite.
    10/7/2011 - First rejection :(

    Application Complete

    Johns Hopkins University

    Application Complete, Rejected

    University of California, San Francisco
    University of Chicago

    Invited for Interview, Withdrew

    Case Western Reserve University
    University of Toronto
    Queen's University
    University of Western Ontario

    Attended Interview, Withdrew

    Cornell University
    Emory University

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted, Withdrew

    Columbia University
    University of Virginia
    University of Pennsylvania


    Washington University in St. Louis
    Mayo Medical School
    Yale University
    University of Pittsburgh
    Stanford University
    Mount Sinai School of Medicine
    Duke University
    Harvard University
    Vanderbilt University
    Northwestern University

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