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MD Applicants

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  • faithful12

  • Application cycles: 06/30/2011
  • Demographics: Female, 34, African
  • Home state: California
  • Last Active: 04/10/2013
  • Brief Profile: *As a visitor to my page, feel free to ask any specific questions or make comments. Just keep them positive please. I'll add impressions and dates much later.

    Science GPA by year: Freshman 2.98, Sophomore 3.5, Junior 3.45 Total: 3.34
    All other GPA by year: Freshman 3.91, Sophomore 3.94, Junior 3.7 Total: 3.91
    Cum GPA by year: Freshman 3.57, Sophomore 3.71, Junior 3.48 Total: 3.61

    -GPA award for Black students receiving GPAs greater than 3.5
    Community Service
    -volunteer for a mobile health van working with teens in low income communities, 1.5 years, 2 hrs/wk
    -volunteer at facility for women recovering from depression and other mental health issues, 2 summers, 9 hrs/wk
    -self-esteem advocate: led workshops for teen girls and organized school wide self-love initiatives annually
    -Summer camp volunteer for low-income students, 1 summer, 5 hrs/wk
    -Medical missionary and educational advocate in Mexico and South Africa, 2 trips during college with 12 hr workdays
    Research (no publication)
    -assistant on projects about violence prevention and health care opportunities for homeless youth, 2 summers, 2o hrs/wk
    -Research assistant for Emergency Med studies of chest pain markers, 1 summer, 8 hrs/wk
    Paid Employment
    -Reviewer of screening interviews for psychiatric study of eating disorder prevention, 2 semesters, 5 hrs/wk
    -Aspiring author: was in the process of self-publishing a book about encouraging children to take care of the environment
    -Helped direct a mentoring program for high school students from low-income backgrounds who were applying to college, 2.5 years, 10 hrs/wk
    -Treasurer for dance group, 4 years, 2 hrs/wk
    -Dorm representative to student government and historian, 1 year, 2 hrs/wk

  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/30/2011

    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 514
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 130, C/P 128, CARS 127  
    • Overall GPA: 3.60
    • Science GPA: 3.40

    Summary of Application Experience

    July 1st: Just submitted today! I am trusting God through this entire process because I know He has it taken care of.

    July 28th: My application was processed. The science GPA was calculated to be less than I expected.

    August 18th: I received my first interview invitation from UPitt.

    September 4th: I submitted my final secondaries by this date (worked on most during the month of August). Now, I wait and give God thanks.

    November 21: I received my first acceptance from Temple.

    January 7th: Received my last interview invitation! This process has been surprising. I look forward to finishing up interviews in the next two months.

    February 24th: I attended my last interview.
    All the best to other applicants!

    Application Complete, Rejected

    University of Chicago

    Invited for Interview, Withdrew

    University of California, Los Angeles
    University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
    University of California, Irvine
    Boston University

    Attended Interview, Rejected

    Harvard University

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted, Withdrew

    Georgetown University
    Columbia University
    Stanford University
    University of Pittsburgh


    University of California, San Francisco
    University of Pennsylvania
    University of Michigan
    Northwestern University
    Vanderbilt University
    Cornell University
    New York University
    Emory University
    Temple University
    University of California, Davis

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