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MD Applicants

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  • kandinsky

  • Application cycles: 06/09/2011
  • Demographics: Female, 36, East Asian
  • Home state: California
  • Last Active: 03/12/2012
  • Brief Profile: Double majored in science and something artsy. I had some clinical volunteering but not much, zero non-clinical volunteering. I did have an international health experience. I had some research, decent ECs, and decent leadership experiences. Nothing too out of the ordinary.
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/09/2011

    • Undergraduate college: Small LIberal Arts College
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 522
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 130, C/P 130, CARS 130  
    • Overall GPA: 3.85
    • Science GPA: 3.80

    Summary of Application Experience

    6/11/11: Submit primary while boarding my plane from Heathrow to Dar es Salaam, garner odd stares.

    7/20/11: Submit Davis secondary an hour before it is due, immediately go about making the most of my Tanzania experience.

    8/4/11: Receive rejection from UChicago, while still in Tanzania. Emotional ambivalence prevails.

    8/10/11: Return from Tanzania, and briefly have a FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK moment as I realize how tardy my applications are.

    8/14/11: Receive an interview invite from Davis! Elation!

    8/14/11: Motivation stemming from Davis invite sparks a period of intense application-writing that results in submission of roughly third of secondaries over the next week and a half.

    9/01/11: Motivation from realizing, \"jesus, it\'s September!\" sparks the submission of another third to a half of secondaries.

    9/23/11: Boston rejection. Boston, if you have really relegated yourself to mediocrity by rejecting high-scoring candidates, you are truly an odd specimen. Damn you.

    9/24/11: Receive WashU interview invite/feel slightly - but just slightly - dirty (see my description for WashU above).

    9/30/11: Davis interview: fantastic people, genuine mission of outstanding patient care and community service, well-run and thought-out interview agenda. Loved it.

    10/09/11: Motivation from realizing, \"jesus, it\'s October!\" results in final submission of remaining secondaries... excepting Loma Linda of course. You, my little safety you, will have wait until my Davis decision.

    10/17/11: UCSF rejection. Low expectations have a way of tempering disappointment.

    Applied, Withdrew

    Rosalind Franklin University

    Application Complete

    Tufts University
    University of California, Los Angeles
    Johns Hopkins University

    Application Complete, Rejected

    University of Chicago
    University of California, San Francisco
    University of California, San Diego
    Mount Sinai School of Medicine
    Boston University
    Harvard University
    University of Southern California
    New York University
    Columbia University
    Stanford University
    Northwestern University
    Georgetown University
    Tulane University

    Invited for Interview, Withdrew

    University of Illinois

    Attended Interview

    Cornell University
    University of California, Irvine
    Loyola University Chicago
    Loma Linda University
    Washington University in St. Louis

    Attended Interview, Rejected

    University of California, Davis

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