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MD Applicants

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  • IndieOwl

  • Application cycles: 11/06/2010
  • Demographics: Male, 43, Caucasian
  • Home state: Florida
  • Last Active: 05/11/2011
  • Brief Profile: Graduate school (M.S. Biomedical Sciences) GPA = 3.47

    Clinical Experience:
    - Hospital Volunteer, Bethesda Memorial Hospital (216 hours: ACU, ER)
    - Shadowing Externship, One Semester in Anesthesiology (shadowed 4 Anes)
    - Physician Shadowing (1 Peds, 2 Anes, 1 Rheumatology (2x), 2 Ophthalmology, 1 IM, 1 GI)
    - Total D.O. shadowing = 2 Anes, 1 IM = 3 docs
    - Premed Shadowing in Department (OB/GYN, Cardiac Cath Lab, Radiology, Radiation Oncology)
    - Autopsy Viewing, Broward Medical Examiner\'s Office

    Non-Clinical Experience:
    - President, AMSA@FAU Chapter
    - Teaching Assistant, Anatomy & Physiology labs (3 semesters)
    - Volunteer Notetaker (Biochemistry), Office for Students with Disabilities
    - Single Day Volunteer: American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, National MS Society, Paint Your Heart Out, FAU Memory and Wellness Center, Habitat for Humanity, FAU-Hall (helping freshmen move in), FAU Graduate School Health Professions Fair
    - Composer, electronic music (just for fun)
    - Pitcher, Boca Raton League of the World Adult Kickball Association (WAKA), 3 seasons

    Research Experience:
    - None
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 11/06/2010

    • Undergraduate college: Florida Atlantic University
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Psychology/Social Sciences
    • Institution: Florida Atlantic University
    • Area of Study: Other
    • Degree Obtained: M.S.
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 500
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 124, C/P 125, CARS 126  
    • Overall GPA: 3.09
    • Science GPA: 3.17

    Summary of Application Experience

    The process:

    - AACOMAS application ($335 for six schools) submitted 11/7
    - Both transcripts ($10) received by AACOMAS 11/10
    - AACOMAS application verified 11/16
    - Primaries must have been sent out week of 11/16 (AACOMAS shows 11/25)
    - Secondaries received: CCOM (11/23), NSUCOM (11/24), PCOM-PA (11/24), LECOM-B (11/29), LECOM-PA (11/29), DMU (12/1)
    - Secondaries ($50/each) complete: NSUCOM (12/4), LECOM-B (12/5), PCOM (12/23), LECOM-PA (12/23), CCOM (12/31)
    - Virtual Eval account ($12) @ FAU opened 12/7, letters made available to all six schools by 12/23
    - Primary sent to PCOM-GA (1/2)
    - LECOM-FL interview invite received on 1/5/11, NSUCOM interview received on 1/26/11
    - AMCAS ($160) submitted 3/9/11... my alma mater is opening up a new medical school. Had to apply!

    GOING TO NOVA!!! Very excited. Thought I had a good interview and I feel very lucky to have been accepted.

    Good luck to everyone in future cycles! Really. If you want advice, I\'d have to say:

    1. Make sure you keep good records (where did you volunteer, what were the exact dates, how long were you there, how many hours/week on average and what did you get out of it SPECIFICALLY)

    2. Save lots of money (I spent at least $1,500+ on this cycle, and that was only applying to eight schools and going on two interviews... I could easily have spent several thousand dollars if I had applied to 20-30 schools and gained 5-10 interviews)

    3. I found that talking to my fellow applicants helped ease me up a lot for the interviews.

    4. In each interview I had at least one person who had flown over from California/somewhere else to Florida and was experiencing major jet lag, even falling asleep. It seemed like they\'d have an interview on say Tuesday and arrive in town Monday night at 8 pm. So if that\'s you, you might want to try to give yourself an extra day to adjust and be fully awake during the interview day.

    5. Apply to Nova. The place is awesome.

    Applied, Withdrew

    Des Moines University

    Application Complete

    Philadelphia College - Atlanta

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Philadelphia College - Philadelphia
    Lake Erie College - Erie
    Chicago College of Mid. University
    Florida Atlantic University

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted, Withdrew

    Lake Erie College - Bradenton


    Nova Southeastern University

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