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MD Applicants

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  • Application cycles: 06/29/2010
  • Demographics: Male, 34, East Asian
  • Home state: New York
  • Last Active: 03/21/2011
  • Brief Profile: 2 years General Chemistry TA
    2 years paid tutor in General Chemistry
    2 years non-clinical volunteering (completed >100 projects, > 400 hours)
    1 year food pantry volunteer team leader, once a month (managed teams of 20-25 volunteers, >60 hours)
    1 year domestic violence hotline volunteer (also supervised other volunteers a little bit and trained new volunteers, >100 hours)
    1 year research/ grant opportunities committee member (helped agency secure several private/ government fundings)
    1 summer ER volunteer (>40 hours)
    1 year radiology department volunteer (>100 hours)
    30 hours of shadowing (primary care DO, MD, opth, endocrinologist, and cardiogist)
    1 winter, 1 spring genetics research (no publication)
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/29/2010

    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 472
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 118, C/P 118, CARS 118  
    • Overall GPA: 0.00
    • Science GPA: 0.00

    Summary of Application Experience

    applying summer of 2011


    Cornell University
    Albert Einstein of Yeshiva University
    Albany Medical College
    Drexel University
    Jefferson Medical College
    Mount Sinai School of Medicine
    New York Medical College
    New York University
    Hofstra University
    Rosalind Franklin University
    SUNY Buffalo
    SUNY Downstate
    SUNY Stony Brook
    SUNY Upstate
    Temple University
    UMDNJ - New Jersey
    UMDNJ - Robert Wood Johnson
    University of Connecticut
    University of Pittsburgh
    University of Rochester
    Columbia University
    Oregon Health & Science University

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