Immigrated to the Unites States from Egypt November 2005. Was an overweight person but dieted and exercised to lose over 80 pounds.
Work Experience: Been working close to full-time continuously since then. I have worked in a microbiology lab for 1.5 years and in an analytical chemistry lab for 8 months now among many other jobs. Clinical experience: Shadowed neurosurgeons at Loma Linda Hospital for 5 hours a week maybe a total of 50 hours and shadowed a neurologist in his private clinic for 3 hours a week. Research experience: Research at UCR since June 2009 with no publications and then 3 months in Dr. John Zhang\'s neurosciences lab at Loma Linda where I designed and completed my own project and created a poster which I presented at a symposium at UCR. My work along with the graduate student I worked closely with should be published soon. This project was funded by a fellowship Stipend from the MSSRP at UC Riverside. Awards and affiliations: Member of the Coptic Club Christian organization and the Medical Scholars Program at UC Riverside. Dean\'s Honor List for 7 quarters. Chancellor\'s scholarship since I was admitted to UC Riverside. Community Service: I started the Coptic Club academic support program to tutor and mentor other students and served and fed the homeless of Riverside. Academics: I still have one year left at UCR to complete my B.S. in a neuroscience major. I obtained my rec letters from the following people: Two from upper division neuroscience professor where I got A+ in their classes (one for neuropharmacology and one for neuroanatomy. One from my manager at my current job as an Analytical Chemist. One from the neurologist I shadowed. Finally, one from Dr. John Zhang of Loma Linda (Research) Hobbies: Working on cars, riding motorcycles, running, and exploring So Cal.
Recently started training to teach MCATs for Kaplan test prep. If I were to do this again, I would\'ve applied much earlier and worked more on my activities/work section of the AMCAS, I would\'ve done a little more clinical and community service, and I would researched more schools to pick which ones I would want to go to exactly.
Clinical Research Coordinator at the Southern California Center for Neuroscience and Spince for Dr. Ty Thaiananthan on Lanx Aspen Spinal Fusion Device Teaching myself spanish Free MCAT tutoring at MSP at UCR
// Applications //
Application Cycle One: 07/12/2010
Undergraduate college: University of California, Riverside
Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
Total MCAT SCORE: 519
MCAT Section Scores:
B/B 131,
C/P 129,
CARS 127
Overall GPA: 3.67
Science GPA: 3.82
Summary of Application Experience
It was tough but now that I am done with all my secondaries, I get to chill and wait for the interview invites. Show me some love UC\'s!
Application Complete, Rejected
Mayo Medical School
Applying for combined PhD/MSTP? No
Submitted: Yes
Secondary Completed: Yes
Interview Invite: No
Interview Attended: No
Waitlisted: No
Accepted: No
Rejected: Yes
Summary of Experience:
Request for fee on August 17th. Fee received on August 19th. Request for letters of reference on September 9th. Would love to get an interview here too, its such a magical school!
LOR Requested and then I was rejected 3 weeks after that :/
Summary of Experience:
Just waiting on the good news. Heard that they will be employing the new MMI interview format so I am looking forward to that! Secondary granted August 7th 2010.
Summary of Experience:
Secondary granted August 24th and completed same day. Won\'t hear from them till November since they are not on a rolling basis.
Summary of Experience:
Secondary granted August 18th and completed on the August 27th but the status website said that I was not complete so I had to call and ask them to fix it.
Summary of Experience:
Secondary granted August 7th and completed August 22nd. One of my letters that was sent to Stanford on August 14th was not received until August 30th after calling them multiple times and leaving at least 3 voicemails and sending two emails. My application would have otherwise been complete since August 22nd.
Summary of Experience:
Possibly on of the hardest secondaries but its done and over with! Secondary granted August 13th 2010. Secondary submitted August 25th and marked complete on August 31st. Placed on pre-interview hold October 22nd 2010.
Another strange pre-interview rejection. Oh well I still have my top two schools UCSF and UCLA :)
Summary of Experience:
Secondary submitted 08/15/2010 and letters of recommendation received by admissions office on 08/26/2010. Secondary granted August 11th. Interview Invite WOOHOO. Excited about the MMI here.
MMI didn\'t go so well but the tour and Westwood definitely made UCLA sound too good to be true.
Summary of Experience:
Secondary granted August 12th and completed August 22nd. First Socal School to show me some love! Interview on October 26th! Dude this school is freaking amazing, loved everything about it especially the county hospital but I just did not like the price tag!
Summary of Experience:
Secondary granted on August 11th Completed on August 24th Invited for Interview on August 25th Didn\'t get a call from Dr. Capers but YAAAAY my first medical school interview. Interview scheduled on 11/17/2010.
Loved the school and the student body and the facilities. Loved the university campus and the building architecture. Dean said he will give us a reply in 5 days!!!
Summary of Experience:
After the long wait, I was finally granted a secondary on September 13th and I completed it the next day. Received their first welcome email on August 5th. Interview at Top Choice :)
I am freakin in love with this school. Definitely a dream school. Really hope I can get in here.
MIKHALIDIS took the old MCAT and scored a 36 which is in the 97th percentile of all old scores.
We converted this to a 519 on the updated scale which is in the 97th percentile of the updated MCAT. We also converted MIKHALIDIS’s section scores as follows:
MIKHALIDIS scored a 14 on the Biological Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 131 on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems.
MIKHALIDIS scored a 12 on the Physical Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 129 on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems.
MIKHALIDIS scored a 10 on the Verbal Reasoning section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 127 on the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills.