Brief Profile:
Average community service and research, above average clinical service and shadowing, and really good leadership experiences (at least I hope so :)). Worked part-time throughout college. Served a two-year Spanish speaking mission for my church and volunteered as an interpreter at the local system of hospitals.
// Applications //
Application Cycle One: 06/07/2010
Undergraduate college: Brigham Young University (BYU)
Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
Total MCAT SCORE: 524
MCAT Section Scores:
B/B 131,
C/P 132,
CARS 132
Overall GPA: 3.92
Science GPA: 4.00
Summary of Application Experience
AMCAS submitted 6/8 and verified 6/16 TMDSAS submitted (payment received) 6/17 and verified 7/21-should have turned this one in earlier so I could have gotten some earlier pre-fall semester interview invites!
Unless otherwise stated, "submitted" date is the day I submitted the secondary and "secondary completed" date is the day I was complete.
I ended up receiving full-tuition offers from WashU and U of Chicago, and am now a happy medical student at Wash U!
Applied, Rejected
Vanderbilt University
Applying for combined PhD/MSTP? No
Submitted: Yes
Secondary Completed: No
Interview Invite: No
Interview Attended: No
Waitlisted: No
Accepted: No
Rejected: 08/29/2010
Summary of Experience:
Rejected pre-secondary/interview.
Interview: Wow, what an insanely amazing place. Mayo is truly incredible. Love the selectives, small class size, huge financial aid, and the outstanding (and integrated) clinical training.
Fee requested and paid 6/26; LoR request 7/2; LoR received and application complete 7/13
Summary of Experience:
Duke was simply awesome. I\'ll update later with more information, but the opportunity for early meaningful clinical exposure through the shortened preclinical curriculum, chance to take USMLE after the clerkship year, full year to pursue research after the clinical year so that I can do something meaningful for my chosen specialty, the large Hispanic population in Durham, and the family-friendly community in Durham make this one of absolutely top choices. I love you Duke, now love me back! :)
Summary of Experience:
Interview: Wow, I absolutely loved PennMed! I loved the flexible curriculum, the opportunity to get an MBA from WHARTON, the chance to be close to NYC but not be in NYC, the anatomy class we got to experience, the 1 1/2 yr preclinical length, the amazingly nice and laid back students, the hilarious and genuine faculty, the astounding facilities, and pretty much everything else about the school! Definitely my top choice, and not at all because I didn\'t like the other schools. Oh, love me back Penn!
Summary of Experience:
Withdrew from the waitlist since I wouldn\'t consider attending Pitt over my other choices.
Waitlisted. At least that\'s apparently anything but the kiss of death at this place :).
Interview: Great place (UPMC is huge!). Tons of opportunities to do research/get involved with whoever you want at one of the nation\'s premier hospital systems. Didn\'t get an amazing gut feel here, though, and students seemed a bit subdued and competitive.
Summary of Experience:
Interview: absolutely loved Columbia. The 1 1/2 yr preclinical curriculum, opportunity to do scholarly project in many different areas, the location (can be in midtown or downtown Manhattan in minutes but you\'re kind of in a quieter area of city), the chance to continue speaking Spanish, the opportunity to get a MBA from Columbia, and many other things were awesome! A top choice!
Summary of Experience:
Wow, this is a truly amazing place. The Yale System, faculty mentorship and involvement with the students, flexibility in the clinical curriculum, amazing facilities (especially the anatomy lab!), the way things are taught here (great mix of lecture and case-based learning), and many other factors make this an amazing place! Can\'t wait till next month!
Finally got an interview invite!!!! I can\'t wait!
Summary of Experience:
Placed in the \"acceptable pool.\"
Interview: A really solid school. The students were very nice and the atmosphere seemed pretty relaxed. I really liked their curriculum which had a great mix of lecture, small group, and self-study time. Also, they\'re the only medical school in all of San Diego\'s metro area and as such they have a ton of resources/clinical facilities. They\'re great at research but don\'t force it on you. And let\'s be honest, you can\'t beat the location either. I walked 10 min to the west of the medical school and was overlooking the ocean.
Summary of Experience:
ACCEPPPPTTTTTEEEEDDD!! There's a great chance I'll be here in the fall :).
Interview: Great place. The financial aid session was one of the highlights of the year so far (you'll know what I mean when you interview there). I really liked everything and everyone was really nice and cool except for our student "lunchmates". They were pretty cynical and talked about some strange stuff. I really think that that was just an anomaly, though, all of the other students were awesome.
Received a call May 12 with a half-tuition scholarship offer, and I told them that I was honored but that UoC had offered me full-tuition so it wouldn't really make sense for me to accept their offer. They called the next day with a full-tuition scholarship. Love this place!
Interview: Incredible place. Very "professional" atmosphere and everyone, faculty and students, was so nice and helpful.
Was offered a half-tuition scholarship, and after sending a letter saying that I would love to come but UTSW was still way cheaper, they bumped me up to full-tuition.
Summary of Experience:
ACCEPTED!!!! What a blessing it is to be in here. An amazing school at a great price that\'s close to my family. Thank you UTSW!
Interview: Really great interview day! Everyone was very friendly, especially all of the students. Parkland seems like a great place to train as well. All-in-all this would be a wonderful place to go to medical school.
tomonitor took the old MCAT and scored a 41 which is in the 100th percentile of all old scores.
We converted this to a 524 on the updated scale which is in the 100th percentile of the updated MCAT. We also converted tomonitor’s section scores as follows:
tomonitor scored a 14 on the Biological Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 131 on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems.
tomonitor scored a 14 on the Physical Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 132 on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems.
tomonitor scored a 13 on the Verbal Reasoning section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 132 on the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills.