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MD Applicants

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  • tritonefascination

  • Application cycles: 06/20/2010
  • Demographics: Male, 39, Caucasian
  • Home state: New York
  • Last Active: 10/24/2010

// Applications //

Application Cycle One: 06/20/2010

  • Undergraduate college: SUNY Stony Brook
  • Undergraduate Area of study: Psychology/Social Sciences
  • Total MCAT SCORE: 509
  • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 127, C/P 126, CARS 129  
  • Overall GPA: 3.34
  • Science GPA: 3.40

Summary of Application Experience


6/21/2010 - Primary app submitted.

6/28/2010 - Verified by AACOMAS.

6/30/2010 - Received secondaries from LECOM-B, LECOM-E, and CCOM. Submitted secondaries for both LECOMs.

Still waiting on LORs from professors.

7/1/2010 - Received secondary from UNECOM.

7/2/2010 - Received secondary from ATSU-KCOM.

7/6/2010 - Received secondary from UMDNJ-SOM.

10/24/10 - I\'ve been a derelict around here for the past few months. Figured no one was watching, so why bother updating! Some interesting events have transpired, though, so now\'s as good a time as any to add some things. Went to three interviews, scheduled another for next month, and even got an acceptance! Yay!


A.T. Still University - Kirksville
Philadelphia College - Atlanta
Nova Southeastern University
Pacific Northwest University
Philadelphia College - Philadelphia
Touro University - Harlem
Touro University - Henderson
Touro University - Mare Island
UMDNJ - Osteopathic Medicine
University of New England
Western University of Health Sciences

Application Complete

Chicago College of Mid. University

Invited for Interview

New York College of New York Tech.

Attended Interview

Lake Erie College - Erie

Attended Interview, Waitlisted

Lake Erie College - Bradenton


Arizona College of Mid. University

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