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MD Applicants

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  • ImmortaliaX

  • Application cycles: 07/18/2010
  • Demographics: Female, 33, East Asian
  • Home state: Iowa
  • Last Active: 04/13/2011

// Applications //

Application Cycle One: 07/18/2010

  • Undergraduate college: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
  • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
  • Total MCAT SCORE: 523
  • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 131, C/P 132, CARS 129  
  • Overall GPA: 3.75
  • Science GPA: 3.73

Summary of Application Experience

Dual credit during high school brought down my GPA by .2 (undergrad 3.96 sGPA and 3.91 oGPA). Moral of the story: don\'t slack off and not expect it to bite you later.

Graduating in two years undergrad has been...interesting. The major thing for people considering graduating early and applying directly to medical school is to keep in mind that you simply have less time than other people to build an application that reflects you (grades, EC\'s, knowing professors and asking for LoR\'s, experiences, etc). That said, go for it!

5/28/2010: DMACC transcript received
6/1/2010: UMN transcript received
7/16/2010: MCAT
7/19/2010: Primary submitted
8/12/2010: Verified
8/17/2010: MCAT score back. 39M! That was such a nice surprise since I felt completely drained after the test. Wow, just wow... except the writing. That\'s a different kind of wow.
9/16/2010: Rejected from Indiana. Last letter of rec submitted to AMCAS. Interviews and waiting now : )
9/27/2010: Iowa interview
10/21/2010: Rejected from Case Western
10/26/2010: Iowa acceptance! <3!
10/29/2010: Withdrew from Einstein, Buffalo, Toledo, PennState, and VCU
11/01/2010: Withdrew from OSU
11/22/10: Rejected from UMN
12/16/10: Rejected from Dartmouth
12/22/10: Rejected from OHSU
1/21/11: Baylor interview
1/24/11: Rejected from Stanford
2/1/11: WashU interview
3/10/11: Waitlisted at WashU
4/13/11: Waitlisted at Baylor

MCAT Examkrackers complete set: $75
MCAT: $230
AMCAS practice exams: $245
Transcripts: $5
Primary App: $480
Secondaries: $1200
Suit: $189.81
Iowa Interview (driving and hotel): about $100?
Baylor Interview (flight using miles; staying with my brother): $5
WashU Interview (flight; staying at Olin): $139.40
Iowa Get Acquainted Day (greyhound, driving): $100?
TOTAL: 2769.21 ;.;

Applied, Rejected

Indiana University

Applied, Withdrew

Pennsylvania State University

Application Complete, Rejected

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Case Western Reserve University
Dartmouth College
Stanford University
Oregon Health & Science University

Application Complete, Withdrew

Albert Einstein of Yeshiva University
University of Toledo
Virginia Commonwealth University

Invited for Interview, Withdrew

SUNY Buffalo
Ohio State University

Attended Interview, Waitlisted

Washington University in St. Louis
Baylor College


University of Iowa

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