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MD Applicants

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  • JPhD

  • Application cycles: 12/31/1999
  • Demographics: Male, 37, East Asian
  • Home state: California
  • Last Active: 01/18/2012
  • Brief Profile: Not currently applying.
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 12/31/1999

    • Undergraduate college: Top 15 Undergraduate University
    • Undergraduate Area of study:
    • Institution: Graduate School
    • Area of Study: Psychology/Social Sciences
    • Degree Obtained: MA
    • Institution: Graduate School
    • Area of Study: Foreign Language/International Studies
    • Degree Obtained: MA
    • Institution: Graduate School
    • Area of Study: Psychology/Social Sciences
    • Degree Obtained: PhD
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 502
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 124, C/P 125, CARS 127  
    • Overall GPA: 3.40
    • Science GPA: 3.28

    Summary of Application Experience

    Application Cycle: 2012-2013

    Bachelor\'s (Public Health): 2008
    Master\'s (Psychology/Social Science): 2009
    Doctorate (Psychology/Social Science) + Master\'s (International Studies): In Progress (Expected: May 2013)

    Freshman Year: [ Science GPA: 3.21 ][ Overall GPA: 3.30 ]
    Sophomore Year: [ Science GPA: 2.80 (Cumulative: 2.96) ][ Overall GPA: 2.97 (Cumulative: 3.11) ]
    Junior Year: [ Science GPA: 3.62 (Cumulative: 3.12) ][ Overall GPA: 3.66 (Cumulative: 3.32) ]
    Senior Year: [ Science GPA: N/A (Cumulative: 3.12) ][ Overall GPA: N/A (Cumulative: 3.32) ] <--- Graduated early
    Post-Bacc: [ Science GPA: 4.00 (Cumulative: 3.28) ][ Overall GPA: 4.00 (Cumulative: 3.40) ] <--- As of 05/13/2011
    Graduate: [ Science GPA: To be computed ][ Overall GPA: 3.80 ] <--- As of 05/13/2011

    MCAT 1: September 2008
    [ BS: 8 ][ PS: 8 ][ VR: 10 ][ W: S ]
    Note: There is a long story behind this very low score. No more excuses, I can only say that I did not study as hard as I could have. We\'ll see how the next one goes.

    MCAT 2: March 2012
    [ BS: ? ][ PS: ? ][ VR: ? ][ W: ?]

    About Me:
    Unfortunately, I was one of those undergraduates who did not learn the implications of working hard in college until it was too late.

    The school list is still very fluid, and there are many more schools to add, and possibly some schools to remove depending on how my MCAT goes in the spring.

    No applications have been submitted yet during this cycle.

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