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MD Applicants

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  • luckyducky87

  • Application cycles: 06/24/2011
  • Demographics: Female, 37, East Asian
  • Home state: Massachusetts
  • Last Active: 09/28/2011
  • Brief Profile: 2nd time applying (first was the 2008-2009 cycle).

    CLINICAL: volunteering at 3 different hospitals during/after college (altogether maybe 200-400 hours), shadowing (30 hours)
    RESEARCH: undergrad research for ~1 year + 2 years of full-time research work as a technician in an HHMI lab
    EXTRACURRICULAR: a whole bunch of music activities as a classical violinist (volunteer, academic, and paid)
    LEADERSHIP: officer of 2 clubs as an undergrad
    OTHERS: tutoring, working as a TA, working on a small course renovation project with a professor, putting up free recitals at nursing homes, etc

    (International living experiences, Music and Chemistry double major, 2-3 gap years after college, etc)
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/24/2011

    • Total MCAT SCORE: 517
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 130, C/P 132, CARS 126  
    • Overall GPA: 3.83
    • Science GPA: 3.69

    Applied, Rejected

    Boston University
    University of Chicago

    Application Complete

    Columbia University
    Cornell University
    Duke University
    Harvard University
    Jefferson Medical College
    Johns Hopkins University
    Mount Sinai School of Medicine
    Temple University
    New York University
    Rush Medical College
    University of Maryland
    University of Pennsylvania
    Yale University
    Drexel University

    Invited for Interview

    Tufts University
    Northwestern University

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