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MD Applicants

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  • NJMD

  • Application cycles: 09/14/2010
  • Demographics: Female, 39, South Asian
  • Home state: New Jersey
  • Last Active: 11/21/2010
  • Brief Profile: Dean\'s List (multiple times)
    Scholarship winner
    EMS responder
    Organic Chem tutor
    Genetics tutor
    Microbiology tutor
    Physics tutor
    Volunteer in AIDS awareness program
    Research experience
    Biology Club President
    TA for different courses
    Organic Chemistry Achievement Award from American Chemical Society
    Physician Shadowing
    - neonatologist ~ 6 months
    - currently shadowing a pediatrician
    Volunteer experience
    Earth quake relief fund raising (Asia)
    Volunteered with an NGO
    - To end child abuse + violence against women

    Work Experience:
    Presently working as a Laboratory assistant at a Medical diagnostic lab
    Tutor at University (Genetics, O.Chem, Microbiology, Physics)
    Receptionist at an MRI facility (2007)

  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 09/14/2010

    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 502
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 125, C/P 127, CARS 123  
    • Overall GPA: 3.94
    • Science GPA: 3.95

    Summary of Application Experience

    06/18/2009 MCAT (8 PS, 7 VR, 10 BS) 25 M

    9/3/10 MCAT
    9/15/10 AMCAS submitted
    10/01/10 AMCAS verified
    10/05/10 MCAT results received (ugh only 1 point increase. not happy at all but still applying)

    11/02/10 received an update email from NEOUCOM stating that I might be invited for an interview. Although its not an interview invite, still excited. Will be checking my email frequently for the interview invite :)


    Drexel University
    UMDNJ - Robert Wood Johnson
    Albany Medical College

    Applied, Rejected

    Wayne State University

    Application Complete

    New York Medical College
    SUNY Buffalo
    SUNY Upstate
    The Commonwealth Medical College
    UMDNJ - New Jersey
    University of Rochester
    University of Vermont
    Pennsylvania State University
    Michigan State University
    Northeastern Ohio Universities
    Wright State University
    New York University
    George Washington University
    University of Toledo

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