Brief Profile:
Biochemistry Research, Genetics Research, 1 Publication ER Volunteer Physician Shadowing Tutor Club involvement Full-time lab tech since graduation
// Applications //
Application Cycle One: 2009
Undergraduate college: Small Public University
Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
Total MCAT SCORE: 514
MCAT Section Scores:
B/B 129,
C/P 128,
CARS 129
Overall GPA: 4.00
Science GPA: 4.00
Summary of Application Experience
6/05 - Submitted AMCAS 6/08 - First LOR Received 6/10 - First Transcript Received 6/12 - Second Transcript (Final) Received 6/16 - Second LOR Received 6/23 - AMCAS Verified 6/25 - MCW Secondary Received - University of Ohio Secondary Received 6/27 - MCW Secondary Submitted 7/1 - Rosalind Franklin Secondary Received 7/6 - Creignton Secondary Received 7/7 - Rosalind Franklin Secondary Submitted - OSU Secondary Submitted 7/8 - U Iowa Secondary Received 7/9 - SLU Secondary Received 7/10 - UCD Secondary Received 7/11 - UCD Secondary Submitted 7/12 - U Iowa Secondary Submitted 7/13 - SLU Secondary Submitted 7/20 - SUNY Upstate Secondary Received 7/22 - Wake Forest Secondary Received 7/26 - Wake Forest Secondary Submitted 7/28 - SUNY Upstate Secondary Submitted - MCW Complete 7/29 - UCD Complete 7/30 - U Iowa Complete Notice 8/4 - UV Secondary Received and Submitted 8/7 - Rosalind Franklin Complete Notice - SUNY Upstate Complete Notice 8/14 - U Miami Secondary Received 8/15 - U Miami Secondary Submitted - Penn State Secondary Received and Submitted 8/18 - OSU Interview Invite 8/19 - Creighton Secondary Submitted 8/24 - Drexel Secondary Received and Submitted 8/25 - Emory Secondary Received 8/27 - Emory Secondary Submitted - Wake Forest Complete Notice 8/31 - SLU Interview Invite 9/2 - I sent Miami an e-mail asking about my file, and they responded that it was \"complete and ready for review\".
University of California, Irvine
Applying for combined PhD/MSTP? No
Submitted: Yes
Secondary Completed: No
Interview Invite: No
Interview Attended: No
Waitlisted: No
Accepted: No
Rejected: No
Summary of Experience:
They finally sent me a secondary in November, but I decided not to complete it.
Summary of Experience:
SR: 6/25, SS: 7/7, C: 7/8, II, 8/18
Absolutely my worst interview experience. I felt like the whole day was rushed, and I didn\'t really get a feel for the school. I\'m not sure I like how the med campus feels like it is part of the huge undergrad campus.
So excited! I never really expected to be invited to interview here. The campus was beautiful and the students seemed down-to-earth and friendly. I\'m not a huge fan of the 3-on-3 interview format...
Deciding to withdraw from the waitlist was painful, but I really just want to know where I am going to be in the fall.
I was pleasantly surprised by this school. Everyone I met - my student host, tour guide, interviewer, and students I talked to while waiting for my host to take me to the train station - were incredibly welcoming. I feel like there is a real community here, and I also like the Jesuit aspect of this school. However, the lack of emphasis on research and the location are huge drawbacks for me.
User #17702 took the old MCAT and scored a 33 which is in the 91th percentile of all old scores.
We converted this to a 514 on the updated scale which is in the 91th percentile of the updated MCAT. We also converted User #17702’s section scores as follows:
User #17702 scored a 11 on the Biological Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 129 on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems.
User #17702 scored a 11 on the Physical Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 128 on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems.
User #17702 scored a 11 on the Verbal Reasoning section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 129 on the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills.