I will be applying in the summer of 2011.
I want a career in Academic Medicine, which explains the amount of top research schools.
I will apply to my state school(s), which may or may not be listed above.
My final list will hinge on how much cash I have, and, obviously, my final GPA and MCAT. As long as I have a 3.5/33 I will keep the top schools.
My GPA has a strong upward trend from a 3.0 freshman year. Since then, only 1 B in a pre-req while the remaining grades are A's.
No grades below a B-.
Aiming for at least a 12/12/12 36 MCAT.
7/6/09- Finished aamc 3... took 3 DAYS lol. I did all three sections in three separate sittings, albeit at very late hours (5 AM). PS: 13 VR: 12 BS: 11.
PS and VR are inflated because I did not set a time limit. I was surprised at how much genetics I remembered from Gen Bio. Overall in BS I got lucky on a few guesses, but it canceled out with silly mistakes.
PS: I lucked out and didn't get many physics II questions if I recall correctly (have not completed that pre-req yet).
VR: Not nearly as difficult as I was expecting. Then again, I was not on a time limit. It'll definitely be hard to maintain steady scores, as it seems that there can be some whacky questions and answers.
All in all, this was a confidence booster for PS and VR, though VR will probably be a crapshoot for anything above 11 and I know I got lucky with topic selections in PS. I'll need to do some heavy content review for Biology/Ochem but at least I know what to expect from the MCAT: Mucho critical thinking. Answers were mostly deducible from the passages.