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MD Applicants

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  • User #17652

  • Application cycles: 07/22/2009
  • Demographics: Female, 36, Caucasian
  • Home state: Texas
  • Last Active: 05/31/2010
  • Brief Profile: Research assistant for 3 years in Population Genetics
    Study Abroad for a semester
    Hospice volunteer for 18 months, over 100 hours shadowing physicians, ER volunteer
    Dean\'s list, 4 semesters
    Member of 6 EC organizations, leadership roles in 2 of them
    National Merit Scholar, full tuition scholarship
    Chemistry Minor
    Graduating a year early
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 07/22/2009

    • Undergraduate college: Baylor University
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 511
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 127, C/P 128, CARS 127  
    • Overall GPA: 3.98
    • Science GPA: 3.95

    Summary of Application Experience

    5/22: Took MCAT
    6/22: Received MCAT scores (31R)...decent
    7/16: Baylor secondary invite.
    7/23: TMDSAS verified
    7/31: UTHSCSA e-mail \'application received and being reviewed\'
    8/4: UTMB e-mail \'application received and being reviewed\'
    8/5: USUHS complete
    8/7: UT-Southwestern complete, Texas Tech complete
    8/10: Baylor complete
    8/11: Boston complete
    8/19: USUHS interview for Sept.
    Sometime August-October: UTH, Texas Tech, UTMB, UTHSC-San Antonio interview invites; Boston rejection
    10/17: Accepted to USUHS
    November: Pre-matched Texas Tech, UTHSC-San Antonio
    December: Baylor invite & interview
    January: UT Southwestern interview
    2/1: Matched at UT-Houston!!! So excited!
    5/20: UT Southwestern acceptance --- this is where I\'m going!


    University of California, San Francisco

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Boston University

    Invited for Interview

    New York Medical College

    Attended Interview, Withdrew

    University of Texas, Galveston

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted

    Baylor College

    Accepted off Waitlist

    University of Texas, Southwestern


    Uniformed Services University
    Long School of Medicine - University of Texas Health Sciences Center, San Antonio
    Texas Tech University
    University of Texas, Houston

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