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MD Applicants

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  • User #16800

  • Application cycles: 2009
  • Demographics: Male, 39, Caucasian
  • Home state: Arizona
  • Last Active: 09/06/2009
  • Brief Profile: * I have a B.S. and an M.S. degree in the field of biological/life sciences. Classes were advanced, such as physics with calc, calc III, advanced biochem, pchem
    * While my GPA isn\'t awesome, upper division credits were all A\'s.
    * Worked in research lab for 2.5 years (1 co-authorship, possibly 2-3 more in coming months, several local conferences and posters)
    * TA for bioc class and biochem lab. Also a tutor as an undergraduate for introductory classes
    * Peds Volunteer - 6 months
    * member of university sponsored undergrad research program (Summer,senior year)
    * Summer research program at Hospital. Worked in research lab and also shadowed physicians and volunteered in Outpatient and ICU
    * Behavioral Health Hospital Volunteer - Shadowed physicians and volunteered in psych ward (Summer)
    * Member of real fraternity. Several leadership positions and chair position. Lots of fundraising, volunteering and intramural sports
    *Honors/Awards/Scholarships--- Graduated with Honors and also Cum Laude. Deans List with Distinction (2x), Honorable mention. Several scholarships
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 2009

    • Undergraduate college: University of Arizona
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Institution: State School
    • Area of Study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Degree Obtained: MS
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 507
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 127, C/P 126, CARS 127  
    • Overall GPA: 3.70
    • Science GPA: 3.60

    No applications have been submitted yet during this cycle.

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