Brief Profile:
July ?08 ? Current: Research assistant, University of Maryland Medical Center ? Conducting studies in pulmonary medicine and critical care management and Partnering with a research team at Johns Hopkins Medical Center for the ICAP study (Improving Care of Acute Lung Injury Patients), a division of ARDSnet, in investigating the effects of NSAIDs, body temperature, and lower tidal volume ventilation on the long-term recovery of septic patients
June ? Aug. ?07: Volunteer/Shadow, Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic, University of Maryland
June ? Nov. ?06: Volunteer and patient advocate - University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center ? Responsibilities: transferring patients, restocking , training new volunteers, running lab errands and often staying overnight to help with different tasks
Jan. ? Mar. ?06: Provided Hebrew translation services for a comprehensive medical court case for by L.H. Investigation, a private investigation firm
Sound Engineer & Employee Educator, Ner Israel Audio Department, Pikesville MD (Nov. ?07 ? Current)